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Ever got back with Ex,after they left for another? need HOPE

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I'm in the same boat as you are, so unfortunately I can't give you my personal story to inspire hope. But... I can tell you a story a lady I know told me. Take from it what you will.


Waaaay back when, she and her current husband were in school together, and had been dating for awhile. At some point, they broke up. She was devastated, but eventually healed enough to start dating again. She really enjoyed spending time with the new guy, and they stayed together for about 6 months. That relationship ended. But a few months later, she reunited with her "hubby" and the rest is history. They were apart for 9 months, dated other people, and eventually found their way back to each other. So yeah, it does happen.


You know the saying "when one door of opportunity closes, another opens elsewhere"... she stressed to me the importance of "closing that old door" so that you're in a position for something good to happen and not miss it. You really have to let go to move on... but who knows... maybe (as it was in her case) the one you're broken-hearted over now will be behind one of those future doors of opportunity.


Hearing her story really made me look at things a little differently. I didn't walk away thinking "oh great, she'll be back, she'll be with him for awhile then we'll get back together." But I did come away with a decreased feeling of dread and immediacy. Like that "now or never" feeling I was having. Right now, I'm hopeful that things will work out between us in the future. But I don't feel the pressure that I felt before. I can even say that maybe there's been a reason for what's happened... that maybe it's for the better (b/c I have grown a lot). Like I said, I still love and miss and think about her. But I have a better outlook on things. Hope this helped at least a little, and good luck.


My two cents (for what they're worth... because I'm struggling with things myself): If anything, I've learned that it really isn't the situation that dictates things. You do... you control your thoughts (although for awhile, it didn't feel like I could control mine). But you do control them. And it really doesn't hurt to pretend to be optimistic, even when you aren't. Because sometimes, you find yourself feeling better because of it.

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