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Ex's call has me really confused??????

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Hey people. I was hoping to get some advice on what my 1st ex gf is up to. We were together for 2and a half yrs. I left and there were other times we broke up. Its been almost 7 weeks and im still hurting. I'm getting there though. Anyway she rang the other night saying the local calls part of the phone bill had been delayed and was on this bill. We'd already sorted this stuff out b4 and hadnt talked for the last month.


Anyway to cut it short. The three things im confused about are.


1. the bill came to $15 for me? couldnt she have just payed it.

2. I asked what her account details were then she said to put it in our shared account and said she had kept forgetting to close it down?

3. She had ben harper (a cd i loved and own she only sortof liked it) on in the background??? Dont know whether she borrowed it or bought it or what?


We then talked about how we were for 20 odd mins, it hurt so much to hang up.

I'm heaps confused now, i still love her alot and often think in a couple of years we could be ready to be together. Can anyone tell me what their take is on this? What might she be doing? Thanks

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Isn't it obvious? She misses you. In her position she cannot tell you how she truly feels b/c of how messy it is right now. She just wanted to hear your voice and that Ben Harper stuff in the background HAD to be intentional to see if you noticed...shoulda called her out on that one for fun. Minimize contact with her b/c she misses you and this will cause her to keep wanting you. Just be patient as hard as it is. Take comfort in knowing she doesn't wanna end the little things that would finalize your relationship...she just wants the option to make contact. Let her make the decision to talk to you and be pleasant, funny, and DO NOT SOUND DEPRESSED!!! That is a big turnoff. Just focus on funny and amusing stuff. You'll be alright.

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Yeah she misses me but i spose im most confused about where she's at? Think about her all the time, i didnt show i was sad at all during the call. I just dont know what to do now, i want to send her an email telling her where im at and what i want and ask her to tell me how she is going with things but i think it'll just hurt. ugggh, i'd love to tell her maybe in time we could be back together is this a good idea? I just need the space now to get myself together.

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ooh, she most definitely misses you! For a little bill like $15 if she was over you she would've said "screw it." unless she is realllly hurting for money!

Ben Harper in the background is also proof of this, just a little subconscious way of her saying "I'm thinking about you" is my assumption. About telling her how you feel, you should just hold off on this. It's good you didn't show you were upset when you talked to her. i bet she's worrying that you're getting over her...

during these 7 weeks have you been talking still, friends or whatnot? You left her though...experiencing regret?

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I'd go at it being extremly skeptical, yes she misses you or else she would have spent 15 bucks and I have to add the c.d. was a nice touch on her part. But you have to ask yourself what kind of game is she running? Is she just in need of attention and know your a good source? Take it slow and don't get to caught up in it right now. Let her come to you if she will. I think that if there where good reasons for a break up think back, remember them and realize you've broken up before this time as well, what were the reason keep them in mind and you might see that if the reason where strong enough then most likely it would be another misfire and the cycle would start again. People offten feel they have made a mistake after a breakup then get back with the person to find out it really just wouldn't work. And then some people after a breakup especially after the no contact for a while say"hey whats up with this guy, he's not beating down my door, he really is over me" they get meloncolie (spelling) over it and think they want you back and then when they get you they turn the other way and boom! your back at square one. unfortunately some people treat it as a game and if they are satisfied in the end that you want them, it's enough to give them the boost they need to do the same thing again to some other person.

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