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I'm in a really bad position right now. I was feeling pretty good last week, but now this week everything just seems to be building up on me. My school marks are dropping, I miss my ex just the same as when we broke up, I'm sprilaing downwards into deep depression. The worst part of it is, right now I don't really have anyone to turn to. I know you'll say that I do but really I don't. My parents are in Scottland right now and I can't get a hold of them, all the people who I would feel comfortable talking to about this are out, all the rest I can't get a hold of because I don't know their numbers. I'm so damn lonely right now and don't know what to do. I had suicidal thoughts a few weeks ago but they went away for a while and now I just don't know. I really am at a loss here, I would love to meet someone new but alas everytime I try I get shot down (twice in the past two weeks). I think I'm going to go to see a physchiatrist to help me with my problems (depression runs in my family and has always been a terrible burden on me), but alas I can't do anything like that for another 5 or so days until my parents get back. I've been crying ever since I got home from school and the littlest things will set me off again. I just don't know what to do.

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uhm hey i dont really know what to say bout this but i kinda was in the same position as you a while ago and i tried to only focus on the happy things and like not even think bout what was pissing me off maybe you should try that but prolly goin to a psychologist would be ebtter but i thought i might try to help

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Hey Hannibal,


I swear this is going around. I've had the same type of feelings this past week for some reason. Maybe its the phase of the moon or something. I think when you have depression it runs in cycles like this.


Get some exercise if you can. I just mowed my lawn and I'm feeling much better. Also if you can get some sun I highly suggest you do. Even if its a tanning bed. The sun can make a huge difference in your mood.


These are just temporary ideas to help get you through the next few days. I agree you should see a professional for assistance given what you have described.


Just remember we are all here for you ok?



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I think a lot of it does in fact have to do with the sun. Its been very overcast these past few days, and the last few days are when I started to feel like absolute crap. I really just wish I knew life without these extreme ups and downs I have. I can go from being in a fantastic mood to crying and being super depressed all within 24 hrs. I just wish the down wouldn't have come now, I've got a ton to get done in school and my parents are gone. I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone I don't feel comfortable touching or being touched by. I realized this tonight as I was out with a friend and wanted to talk but felt totally awkward. I just wish I had her here with me to lay in bed with me and hold me close and tell me everything is going to be alright. Right now it feels like it wont be.

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i suppose the best thing you could do is to find someone whether its just a friend or relative maybe even a close contact via the internet?

once you found them tell them how you feel, everything, all the problems and anything else. The other person will understand and getting it out is better than keeping it inside you to build up and make depession longer.


plus maybe once your parents are in contact tell them aswell. and if you dont feel upto that theres allways someone no-matter what you think.



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ok i know your probably not to keen to me after my post to finchabald which i appologized for if you check but ill try to help i am clinicly depressed and i have had times where im like wow i need someone to be with or talk just not alone and this all ways seems to happen when my dad takes off with his girl friend and im home alone trying to keep the thoughts out of my head this sounds stupid and wasteful but i turn on all the tvs in my house and the stereo it doesnt do much for my depression and it gets expensive when the electric bill comes but helps the isolation feeling do you have a friend you can go to and just stay there or any one if your having those thoughts you shouldnt be alone. and about the weather affecting mood i personally like overcast solem weather to just sit and think about life i have no idea if weather does anything with depression but as avman said get some exercis it will make you feel better and i hope i have helped you

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