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How do I stop hating my body?


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Let me give a back story. I'm a 5 10" male weighing 140 lbs, so I'm pretty skinny. I do have a girlfriend, she is extremely beautiful (a model, really) and she tells me I like good.


However, I went through a prolongued period where my family (not just immediate, basically everyone who saw me) would go "why do you look so thin" "you need to eat" "you look so skinny" and so on and so forth. At first I didn't care and just took it as an excuse to improve. I ate more and worked out and gained 5-10 lbs (i was even thinner).


However, despite my improvement, family kept saying the same thing. I reached a point where I now hate my body and despise seeing it anywhere. It's probably affecting my relationship with my girlfriend, whom I love so much. Believe it or not, I just don't believe her when she tells me that she is attracted to me (physically).


I just want to ask, for people who hated their bodies and maybe now do not anymore, how do you go about thinking better of yourself? Any strategies or techniques? I am currently working out and eating more but there are limits to how much a law student can work out and eat...plus recently my cousin and I have started a new small business venture (we are both very successful financially) so I honestly have little time to devote to my body...I just wish I liked it the way it is...


Any help will be much appreciated.

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