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Need help (or a miracle) talking to a girl

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no, not even a no... All I achieved was to freak her out. She didn't say anything. She just gave me a look, like she was deadly serious about something and turned her head. But she used to do that before I gave her the letter too. So, what does that mean? Well, I'm trying to get her email. I hope it goes better this time...

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ok since u sorta freaked her out with the letter i dont think the phone call is such a good idea, and i know what u mean by a more immediate reaction but i dont think that would be the best way to do it yet. i would get her email and introduce yourself, probally make some joke about yourself or something so she will know who you are and will be intruigued (sp?) into reading on. and then just tell her how u felt she got the wrong impression on you and you would like to get to know her better, ask for her SN after the 1st couple of emails. hope that made sense and helped peaceout.........muchas.................

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I got her SN, but not her actual email. I also found out her phone #. But I don't want to freak her out. There has got to be something I can do. If I email her, she will probably ignore me. If I phone her, she will probably freak out more. Man, I screwed up with the letter. I dug my own grave with it, and now there has got to be something I can do to get out. Well, I'll try to ask my friend which one is more like to be her reaction if I called her, or IM'ed her, and of course, which one he thinks will be better for not freaking her out even more. It would definitively not be so weird if I hadn't given her the letter. What can I do, then?

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Hi everyone. So, what do you think I should do? what would be better, to IM her (I can do that already), phone her (I can also do that already), or to email her (I still need her actual email address to do it)? Alright, here's a couple of pros and cons for each:


email: Will create less of an impact, but she may ignore me when she sees a strange email address (or the same email address I gave her IF she remembers, or has the letter) and is unexpected.

IM: I can do it already, but will probably create more of an impact and is very unexpected and may ignore me too.

Phone: I can do it already, more direct, but will definitively create much more of an impact, and is very unexpected.


Well, I guess I'll take my chances with IM'ing her. But it will have to be tomorrow, though. I hope she doesn't get upset, or something.

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go with the SN. but start off right away on how she got the wrong impression on you so she doesnt ignore you (you know what i mean?) but dont be to emphasised on that and just tell her how you want to get to know her a little better. and like some of the posts in the past, try to be funny it will never fail you when you try to get to know someone. But you can email her if u want but i would go with SN cuz a call is way to sudden and suprising and one-on-one. and an email is to "mild" and she can always choose not to reply. But an SN its a little of both and (in my personal feeling) will work the best. Hope this made sense and helped. peaceout............muchas......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, sorry for not updating. Well, the truth is that I don't care as much anymore. Well, I did IM her, and she was very cool about it, but she is too weird. I mean, she has done some weird stuff, and I was very confused. Now I am less confused, but still confused, though. I mean, she is cool about me talking to her, but she gave my sn to a friend of hers (Yesterday, though, I got the impression it could have been someone else that gave her my sn). This friend acted very flirty in the beginning. But I think everything is becoming more "normal" now. Well, like I said before, I don't care as much anymore, it's just that I'm curious about her "weirdness".

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weird how things turn out eh? what do you mean by weird stuff, or are you not allowed to tell us


I already pm'ed you about it. It doesn't matter anymore (thank God it's over. It's my fault that it was so long). I guess I put too much heart into it. Now I see it was very stupid in the first place. Thanks everyone, though. Best Wishes.

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