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I'm on Accutain, any tips while I'm on it would be nice

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(Wow, its been a while since I've been on the site) Well, for those that don't know, accutain is a drug used to treat acne and usually lasts for up to 6 months of treatment. Its not that bad, but because I've been using it, my acne has started to fade, but my skin has become very dry and irritated. Any advice to help get rid of the dryness (or any other general tips) are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance

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Oh ya, I forgot to mention some things. I do use moisturiziers (some with an spf), but my skin continues to be very irritable. Oh ya, and along with that, my lips get very chappy and I do use lip stuff, but like my skin it only helps a little bit. My mom says to just keep doing it constantly, but I dont have time to just put on stuff every second .

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I was in your position about 4 years ago and I'm afraid you really have to put up with it! I tried various moisturisers, some are good but to be honest you may well be a bit of a mess for a while (at least in your eyes). Its not nice, but believe me, in a few months you are going to be looking and feeling great. Its a small price to pay!



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Yeah I have taken accutane before and the best thing I can tell you is one word...Aquaphor, depending on where you live you can get it at Eckerds where the moisturizes are. It's great, keeps your lips from getting dry, you can also use some on skin. Don't wash your face with harsh soaps. I used dove soap, and I also used oil of olay-I think it was called Oil of Olay Complete or something like that (worked the best for me). Anyhow, good luck! After my accutane usage my skin was 100% clear, best wishes!

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Thanks guys. Densil, your right, it is a pain , but more on my skin than in my eyes, atleast for now. And TroubledTwenties your right, so far, the best moisturizer I have used was Aquaphor, but the dryness persists nevertheless. But then again, small annoyances like this are worth it for clear skin i guess 8) .

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If you can, try wearing glasses, it is getting bad in my eyes sort of now (I wear glasses 8)) , so imagine the pain of wearing lenses on your eyes. Good luck with it though, so far, its clearing up for me (woohoo ), so I'm sure it will work for you .

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is there anyway to cover a big pimple. I just broke out on my forhead and its really annoying. Its red and i trioed poping it, but only a little puss came out. Sry for being graphic but, any make up thats cheap or something i can use. PLEASE i need help fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont use any face washes that treat acne just something that will keep your skin clean and your pores clear. For a lotion and face wash i would use Cetaphil. It is about 7 dollars for a bottle of 16 oz. Also Cetaphil face wash. Make sure you moisturise hourly. Your skin will be tough like leather if you dont. If that doesnt work for you, you might need to find a moisturizer that isnt for your face maybe one that is made for your feet. Since your feet dont get oil and currently your faceisnt either maybe that would work well. Find a product that says something like Extreme moisturization or hydration...or advanced healing...I hope this works out for you.. i have acne and its a pain in the but. Nothing seems to work for me but i dont think my face is bad enough for accutain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I know, Accutain is much better than Proactive (and now that I think of it, I have seen other unknown products challenging Proactive). However, Accutain is strictly perscription only by your dermatologist, and does have its side effects. But its worth it if you need it, and it does prevent scars from forming, and lessens some, if not all of the redness in your skin, if you have any.

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