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I need summer, and empty beaches

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Yes of course the subject has little to do with the topic, or maybe it is just something to look forward to. Empty beaches are quite calming.


Onward though. Im only 17, and my boyfriend is 18. We have been together about 8 months. Breaking up about 3 times for a week, or less. We have never gotten in a fight, because Im calm and express that I am upset without yelling, or arguing, and I find its quite helpful (try it). Its just fighting isnt the problem. I posted before that I found out he cheated on me by having sex with another girl while he was drunk, and made out with another from Delaware (sober). He did that a while back and tried to make it up without letting me know what he did. His friend told me the truth and I soon dumped him. His friend telling me led to drama with his friends and now none of them are friends so all he has left is me really.


He was constantly trying to get us back together and in about 2 weeks, I ended up giving in. Now we are good, but I tend to bring up what he did to me a lot. It bothers me to no end. He is leaving for the Coast Guard and I have little hope that we will be together after that. I mean this time next year I will have college to look forward to. He is intent on proving how faithful he is and wants to stay together. He says he was unsure about his life before and after all this he knows what he wants. (he is a HS dropout and had a bad past, lots of problems) Before, despite what I wanted when I grew up, I would of had a crummy apartment with him, and a cat we already gave a name too. We were really close with a lot of plans but now I dont see myself with him. Then again I question who is to come along.


Advice I would like to hear is:

1) Do most guys end up cheating, or is there actually a good precentage who dont?

2) Should I stay with him because I love him now even though I think it will end in a few months?

3) Do you think a guy can be trusted after he cheats?

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To keep this short and sweet, I'll just answer your three questions.


1) I read a statistic somewhere, but it's lost now. It was something like 80% of people end up cheating on someone at least once (don't quote me on that; it's from memory). As far as guys specifically, I would guess that the percentage is higher than what it is for girls. Unfortunately, I can't give you much of an answer on this. Looking at a guy's past will definitely help, though.


2) A resounding YES. A lot of things can happen in a few months. You don't want to break up with your boyfriend now only to discover in August that you could have stayed together easily. Give it a chance.


3) I hate to say this, but no. No, no, no, and definitely NO. (That doesn't just go for guys, though - remember that.) Sure, people change. Many people change. Most people change a little bit, and a few people change a lot. But disloyalty is such an elementary personality trait that it's almost ingrained for life once someone is unfaithful the first time. I would give him a chance, but don't fall into a trap.


That's about it. Good luck.

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