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Cervical Mucus Peak Question

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Does anyone know?


I am asking about cervical mucus and ovulation. My period ended on May 6th. I always ovulate right after my period. I saw the peak of cervical mucus on May 7th around 5pm....LOTS of it! I had intercourse on May 9th around 9:30pm. Assuming everything else went ok...no other complications....am I pregnant?


Do women release the egg into the fallopian tubes DURING the egg white mucus stage or right after?


I have been reading different websites about it and I've read both. Does any of you know positively when it happens? How long does it take for the egg to go through the fallopian tubes?

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Have you tried this one? link removed

You put in the dates of what happened when and it'll tell you around the times you should be ovulating. It also has alot of good information about pregnancy, nursing, conception and more. The site is initially for those trying to get pregnant, but you can also use the calendar as a tool for figuring out when you're ovulating to avoid intercourse. Every woman's body is different though which makes situations like thinking your pregnant difficult.

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