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Self pep-talk

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Thank you Zinny, I am going to make it a better day. The sun is out, I have work to do, I have things to accomplish.


I have no hope. All hope is gone. He does not care about me. I am the "elephant in the room". My hope is that I can put this behind me despite having him in my life. If I don't feel better in the next few weeks then I may have to quit the group. I am sad if it comes to that. Maybe I'll ask for a leave of absence but I think they will have to replace me.


He hasn't gone back to his ex. She moved on, he freaked out, fell into a depression and then I came along. I unwittingly helped him get over her, and helped prepare him for finding someone else. He was able to get over her through No Contact. I have contact which is why I am still in the place I'm in.


I'm human, and I fell in love and sometimes you just get tossed against the rocks and you get washed up on the beach a few times, and you feel like you're drowning but eventually you pick yourself up, dust off the sand and you stroll down the beach feeling like a million bucks. I'm just not there yet but it WILL happen.

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