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Why do you want to die? If there is no real reason, then you should stop thinking like that. There are lots of people that live very unpleasant lives, they are the only ones that could think like that. Even so, most of them do not give up. Even though I am not religious, I ask you: How do you really know if you will arrive at heaven? Believe me, I have many reasons for wanting to die, but I will never give up without a fight. Besides, why do you worry about pain? If you really wanted to die, you wouldn't care about pain. I, for instance, am wishing I could get my parents' permission to join the marines. Even though you are not guaranteed to survive, you are not guaranteed to live either. Well, but I have many problems: I am overweight, I have no self confidence at all, I have problems with a girl, I virtually have no friends, I don't get along with my family anymore, I am doing bad at school, and I simply feel I have nothing to look forward to in life. I can't even picture myself in my next birthday basically because I feel I have wasted my life. I feel so old, even though I am only 16. I will start seeing a therapist for help because I know therapists are the only people that understand what I have gone through. Maybe you should do that too. Well, I hope you can get over this, because I am not willing to go down without putting up a fight.

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look you dont want to die if you did you would already be dead. why do you want to kill your self. ive tried 3 times all that happens is you get alot of pity and if it doesent work do you know the shame of feeling not only do you not deserve to live but you dont diserve to die either my advise go see a counsellor but if he starts to judge you tell him to piss off just find a friend to talk to besides if some one did this to me i would rather stick around and watch them die than kill my self


people do care things get better

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i just cannot trust a lot of people i overheard people talking behind my back i just kept quiet i love my parents and siblings and my best friends....i dont want to make them upset but i told them how i feel that i wanted to be a soldier, a hero i didnt want to die old im a very good student in school i maintain very good grades....all my teachers love me....i am in an NJROTC unit and im in the top 5 out of 180 cadets....but something keeps popping inside my head " i want to die " and i dont know why

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I'm not a bad student, It's just that I'm doing much worse than last year. Last year I made it to Distinguished Honors during all 4 quarters, this year I have only made it to Honors. It's not that bad, because not everbody makes it to that level, but I feel I could do much better. I just lack motivation. What people do you say you have heard talking behind your back? Maybe it's a little bit of paranoia. Last year I felt that way too. I thought that eveywhere I went, everybody was judging me. This year, I don't know why, that hasn't happened. Maybe you are going through that same feeling. You need to find out what makes that "I want to die" message pop in your head. I at least know why I sometimes get that impulse. But believe me, you shouldn't obey it. Besides, you don't want anybody to feel pity for you, lide dpressedone89 said before. If you really care about dying painlessly, then it means that you don''t really want to die. If you did, then you would not care about pain, because you are only going to feel it for a while. If the fact that people are talking behind your back is what makes you feel that way, then you should just not pay any heed to what they say. You are not their gold coin. By that I mean that no one is "supposed" to like you. You should be more careless about what they think about you. We are here because we are here, not because others want us to be here.

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If you want to be a hero then dont quit life thats for losers you told your family thats the hardest thing i ever had to do so what you cant be a marine you can still be a hero try to become a cop or a firefighter

not to be mean but I would think it would be your phyche exam not your hearing to keep you out i know what you mean i wanted to join the army and kill all the bad ppl inthe world but i cant because of my eyes YOU ARE NOT ALONE

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