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How off can a cycle become after stopping BC?

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Right now I'm in a bit of a confusing and stressful situation.


I stopped taking Orth Tricyclen after my last period which I'm 95% sure started on April 8 last month.


Assuming I stayed on the pill and everything was normal I should have gotten my period some time in the last few days and haven't.


It's driving me nuts! To make things more complicated I had sex on May 1 so now I'm thinking something may have gone wrong with the contraceptive (non spermicidal) and I could be pregnant. Although from what I've read it could just be my coming off the pill that's delaying the cycle.


How off can a cycle be?


I took a HPT Monday, May 3th, (which I know is too early but I couldn't help myself) one on Wednesday May 5th and one last night May 7th - all yeilding negative results.


It's only somewhat comforting since I still haven't gotten my period. I'd also like to restart OT but I'm not sure if I should or when I should with my period being MIA the way it is.


Anyone have some insight?


If one of my threads need to be deleted, please delete the older thread. I apologize for starting a second thread on a similar topic. As each day passes I'm getting more and more nervous and I just can't seem to put my mind at ease.

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I'm not really an expert on this topic, but I suggest talking to your doctor about it. He can tell you all you need to know about anything, so just ask. Don't feel embarrassed or anything, they answer questions like this all the time..

If you are worried about being pregnant, I would suggest taking a pregnancy test. That way you will know for sure & you won't be stressing over it so much because you don't know.

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Hey there,


I have been in the situation similar to you. I stopped taking Alesse after my peroid. And within a week, I had my period. After my period came, i decided to go back on the pill..and everything contined on smoothl.


When you stop taking your pills, this sends a message to your body. And your body is informed to expect your period (plus or minus a week)


Hmm......There coule be other factors delaying your period. Now, at this point, are you late? or still expecting your peroid?? If you are late, take antoher pregnancy test.......I hope things turn out but you should get your period soon

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