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A strong woman, the woman who gave me life. The one who raised me and wiped my tears when I cried. The woman who kissed my boo-boo when i fell down. She lifted me up and held me against her through all the rough times. From babe to adulthood she stood by myside and watched over me. Watched me grow into the woman that would someday give her grandchildren in which she could spoil. The word mom or mother isn't just a word but a feeling. The feeling is called love. For thats what she does. She loves me. One day i'll be a mom and hopefully be appreciated as much as i appreciate my own mom.


I know it's not mothers day yet but i sat here thinking tonight about what to get my mom. Frankly, there wasn't much i could come up with because i wanted this year to be special for her. There just isn't any material thing that could possibly show her how much i care. So mom, I love you. And for all of you out there reading this, tell your mom how much she means to you because even if you don't think it would, it makes a big difference to them that they know you care and they did their best.


And to all the moms or moms to be, Happy Early Mother's Day!

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wow i thought what you wrote about your mother was great and it made me think how special my mum is too me, i dont think that you should get your mum anything for mothers day, i would just telll her what you just wrote either in a card or just tell her it, it was amazing


happy early mothers day? wait hasnt it gone? or is it really early for next year?


anyways bye

~LJ =;

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hey, i really liked what you had to say there, and thought it was a really nice idea, im going to give it a try for my mum but in a slightly different format to yours (basically a small list)


1: i love my mum because she treats me like i am her world

2: i love my mum because the care she gives seems to be ever lasting

3: i love my mum because despite my age, when tears fall she is there to give you the biggest bear hug, sit you on here knee, and explain exactly how she and everything else will make it right

4: i love my mum because she is not modest

5: i love her for our quality time

6: i love her for how proud she is, and the way she loves every detail about us girls

7: i love me mum because she gives me respect as i do her

8: i love my mum because she is mine

9: i love my mum because she makes me feel secure.



i could go on for a very long time but i think people would stop reading and thereforeeee am going to stop there. i guess you can see that i love my mum, and if there was one for a dad id have a list there too.



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I think those were some very good reasons why you love your mom. I think i don't show mine enough how much she actually means which is kinda sad because they do so much for their kids. And for just_smile, mothers day is may 9th! Not too far away. And i think i will write what i wrote in a card to. I guess i shared it with everyone because i wanted to know what everyone else decided to do for their moms or tell how much she means to you.

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