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Rejected flirting question

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Hi have a queston for females mainly.

If you flirt with a guy (ie because you like them alot, and want them to ask you out) or you ask him out (other than being upset in this example), but he doesn't like you back, how do you act afterwards? Do you not even think about it, or secretly feel unhappy about it, or feel angry at them, or feel shy around them (ie you think they think your a stalker or something, so you avoid them, to not give this impression)? Or a mixture of both?


Being a male, when a girl rejects me I feel embaressed around them, and kind of avoid them, and give the impression I don't like them anymore, to punish them. Just curious of what its like on the other side.

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For me, I would feel quite shy around them if they rejected me. Actrually a better word than shy would be embarrassed. I would try to aviod that person unless they made an effort to talk to me. Thing is, once you let your feelings be known to that person, they automatically should start noticing you more. If they weren't interested in you before, I'm positive that they'll start noticing you around.


I currently have a secret crush on my mailman! I'm trying to make casual conversation and would love to ask him out, but I'm totally afraid of making things akward if he says no, because I'll have to see him everyday when he drops off the mail at my office.

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In a situation where you indirectly rejected them...


They'll be angry, looks away when eye contact happens, and looks really really angry, even if you try to talk to them... they'll ignore you... some try to change style, some stays the same (not sure if they're embarrassed at the same time, but they're definitely angry)

and then 1-2 years later if they still see you around... they'll want attention


You know they're hurt, but u can't do anything about it other than feeling guilty

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In high school I had a major crush on one of my close friends. He'd just broken up with a girlfriend, and I admitted my feelings. He rejected me. At first, I was a little hurt/embarrassed, but I eventually got over it. You have to if it's someone you regularly hang out with. After a couple of 'healing' days, I started the flirting again and he eventually asked me out. Any other times I was rejected, I bounced back pretty quickly. As I got older, I learned not to make the mistake of being rejected


Anyway, I'm sure the reaction to rejection is similar with both sexes...most people have very similar emotions when it comes to that stuff. Some people just hide it better than others.

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