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I Get Nervous

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Hey, is there any trick to conquering nerves when talking to girls, stuff always sounds good in my head but then when I actually come to say it I end up mumbling and sounding geeky, any tips?




I can see where your coming from... I think you need to get used to talking to girls in groups or on a one to one basis. You need to act as if your talking to your best mate and I know this isn't easy but it's the only way your going to be yourself and people will love you for that....


Confidence comes with age, it may take a while but you need to practice speaking to girls, and make jokes cos girls love guys who can make them laugh, but nothing too personal lol

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I agree, confidence does come with age, and you're not the first guy your age to feel this way! If you feel nervous, a great thing to remember is that the girl you're talking to is probably nervous too!


"But she doesn't sound very nervous!" you say. Well guess what, you probably don't sound so nervous to her either! Whenever we feel insecure or nervous about something, we always think other people can tell, but they often can't. Our own perceptions of ourselves are exaggerated, so we start to think 'everybody must be looking at the pimple on my chin' or 'my voice must sound so nervous', when in actual fact nobody notices!


And I also agree with the deep-breathing thing. It really does help.


Good luck. Message me any time if you need advice!

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