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moment of weakness

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My boyfriend broke up with me about 4 weeks ago. when he ended it he was very vague about the reasons. i immediately went NC. he has offered an explanation now which I decide to pass on for now.....

Well, I weakened and have agreed to meet to discuss what led to the demise of the relationship. I'm just mixed up. I was convinced i could make it with out his reasons. and now i just need to hear his side of the story.

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You don't have to go if you don't feel ready. Four weeks is not very long. You are not weak, you are just human and naturally, you are very curious to hear his side of the story. You were smart and strong to immediately go into NC. Good for you.


But remember - if you do meet him, you may hear things you do not want to hear, and you may not get the total truth. Few dumpers will tell dumpees the whole truth and nothing but the truth to spare their feelings. There are some but I believe most people gloss over the truth because they do not want to hurt the dumpee any more than they already have.


It's up to you. You have the power to decide if you want to meet him, and you have the power to decide if you don't. But you are never required to do anything you don't want to....and you can always change your mind. I would feel too vulnerable to at four weeks to meet to discuss the break up, but that's just me.

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This is so juicy to let pass up but I think this is going to be hard. I think you are going to walk away even more hurt. I dont know what to tell you cause I know I would go. the best thing to do is ...be a good listener. Let him say what is on his mind. Try not to cry. Dont try to change his mind but state the truths without getting into a argument about it. Just be open. You can say, I accept your decision but this is not what I want and leave it like that. Dont beg...have strength. Just see what he says and try to be cool ..no emotions....coool

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