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Help!! i Keep freaking out everytime i face her!

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As some of u may know, i like this girl at college, who i just cant talk to. i just go blank and can't face her, this may sound weird but i kind of get scared facing her, maybe because of the fear of rejection (who knows) It might have helped if she noticed me but she doesnt even see if im there.


anywayz, someone plz give me somethin like a "conversation starter". I dont have any lessons with her (it would have been way easier if i had), so im just gonna have to go and speak to her, (when she's alone), PLZ PLZ HELP!!!!!

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basically the exact samething i have been posting..


Well first of all, i'm guessing that you both dosn't know each other well.. or why would u be blushing?


Get to know her.. be friend with her. Then this blushing will fade

Blushing mostly means you like someone and i'm sure they can tell by that if you are over doing it.


if you want to get close to her, talk to her.. make her laugh

give it all you got..

remember sense of humor is an important thing to keep a girl entertain..

try to help her and be nice to her a lot. Then she just might begin to like you too.


you could ask her for partner purpose.. project etc...

math and stuff.. if you wanted to be closer with her..

but currently you are blushing a lot so that won't work out


so be friends with her first.. then thigns get easier along you "Way"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look, i agree with u all completely, but wat im trying to get accross is that im just 2 sincere around girls. i'm just too serious, (i dont talk a lot)That maybe because i haven't had any contact with girls EVER. i used to go to all boys school and i have many friend (all guys), but now that i am in college, i just don't know how u go up 2 a girl and ask her out.


Man, this would be so eaasy if she could give me some kind of indication, (she completely ignores me as if im not there). Plus i think she maybe a little shy herself but not as much as me cos she asked my friend a while ago and he turned her down.

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