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age gap relationships

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Hya my names nicole,

I'm 16 years old and i've been going out with my boyfriend for about 4

months now. I love him to pieces and he loves me its just the problem... He's 30 soon!! I used to be best mates with his sister now his family hate me and never want to see me again..

Now my b'friend has moved out!!

Is it all my fault???


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The reason I changed my ages is because i didnt want anybody to know who i was!! that isn't even my name?? My DOB is 23/02/88 i'm 16!!! My b'friends b'day is 03/07/75 hes 30 soon!!! I'm not possessed i promise!!!

i raised the ages a year to keep inconspiquaus (i can't spell either)

Have a nice day!!?



I mean..



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It might be an idea to change your age on your profile aswell as it has come up as you being 34.


anyway, why does his family not want to see you again? is it because of your age? dont they approve of your relationship? There is a big age difference between the two of you and others may see this man as taking advantage of a young woman.Personally, to an extend i dont think age matters as long as both people love each other.But there can be lots of complications in such a relationship and sometimes love isnt enough.


How did the two of you meet? are you sure you are together for the right reasons? it must be hard without the families approval but it is your and his lives,not theres.

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