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Masturbation / Ejaculation

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Guys, where are you when u masturbate? (ex. shower, bed, etc.)


....and where do you ejaculate?


Oh, and another one.... when you ejaculate, is it just one big squirt? With my boyfriend, it seems to squirt, and then charge up and fire again.... It will do this like 4 times before it's over.


Just curious! Thanks!!!!

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Lordy, you can do it anywhere, just like women. Think of a place and I am sure that someone has been there before. Most younger guys start out in bed and move on from there. A private place. But as all the movies show...bathrooms are also around for another reason then just shaving.


When your boyfriend comes, he is no different then anyother guy. This is normal......I hope that the two of you are using protection, right?

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I was pretty sure he was normal in that sense, but I thought hey, it can't hurt to ask! Thanks for your reply.


haha.. and the bathroom thing: My boyfriend starts in bed, and he says when it gets pretty close to that time, he moves on to the bathroom and leaves it in the porceline bowl


THAnKS! More Replies would be appreciated! thanks!!!

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Guys, where are you when u masturbate? (ex. shower, bed, etc.)


....and where do you ejaculate?


Oh, and another one.... when you ejaculate, is it just one big squirt? ...................................................................... Most of the time it was in the bathroom ejaculating into the toilet paper but is done many other places for variety. More than 1 squirt is normal. Now that we've given you our answer "June4life" how about you telling us where you do it.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I think I speak for most women in saying its not as easy for us to masterbate as it is for you guys. I recently just started doing it about 6 months ago, I gave it a try-- it was hard at first, but with a little concentration-- a miracle happened!


Women will most of the time, do it in bed- either with their hands or a vibrator. Its the most comfortable place to do it, and the most private. Sometimes, while taking a bath, it might occur, but I find it easier to do while I'm in bed after I've waken up or just before I go to sleep.

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I started out doing it in bed. Then I tried it in the shower. Then I did it outside one beautiful breezy morning. (no neighbors and lots of trees). I like to usually do it right when I wake up or before I go to bed,.. or sometimes in the afternoon. I'll sometimes wake up in the morning already masturbating. I'll be like, "what the.." but it usually feels best then because I've got a fresh fantasy in my mind.

I usually use an old shirt I never wear to cum in. I'll use it for a bit and then throw it away and use another old shirt I'll never wear. I don't like to make a mess, and kleenex are easy to miss. I usually squirt a big stream of cum,.. then it seems to dribble out for a while,.. then It ends with another big squirt. But I still cum some more, just real slow and drippy. I like to use pre-cum as lube. Other than that, I NEVER use lube. I don't get as good a sensation with lube. Not enough friction.

I can masturbate while pacing around,.. while on my knees,.. or just laying on my back. (but while I'm on my back it's slower and takes alot longer which is good)

Sometimes on the weekend when I have a lot of free time on my hands. (ha!) I'll like to just sort of masturbate just enough to keep me hard, but not cum until at least an hour or so later.

But in the last several months I've had almost no sex drive because I'm in a gloomy mood.

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Well, I think I speak for most women in saying its not as easy for us to masterbate as it is for you guys. I recently just started doing it about 6 months ago, I gave it a try-- it was hard at first, but with a little concentration-- a miracle happened!


Women will most of the time, do it in bed- either with their hands or a vibrator. Its the most comfortable place to do it, and the most private. Sometimes, while taking a bath, it might occur, but I find it easier to do while I'm in bed after I've waken up or just before I go to sleep.


lol, how u figure that? . Women can masterbate anywhere, and without the mess (or less mess), so i would say its easily easier for a women. I know that when im at home, it either has to be in my bedroom or bathroom. I actually feel guilty doing it anywhere else (plus there isnt any point unless im watching a porn vid or something so need a room with a tv/vidrec)

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OH I didn't say it really wasn't possible.. but women have to concentrate MORE on masterbating than men-- I think anyways. You're right.. I do feel guilty about doing it in certain places.. For example, had no problems in my apartment.. and I did it anywhere there too... but when I moved back home with my parents for a while-- there was NO way! I couldn't concentrate... eventually I got it... but it has to be SOO quiet in the house... I'm sorry.. but to hear my Mom and Dad talking while I'm trying to -- relieve some tension, is a total mood killer...

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