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actually friends?


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So, I started my freshman year of college just over a month ago. I generally don't make friends easily but I made an extra effort during orientation, and I think it paid off, but I don't want to have to do it again anytime soon. I'm female, and I've never had any non-gay male friends before, but somehow I ended up with three really good guy friends (no girl friends, though I wish I had some), and a small group within my dorm where we eat together, etc...you know how it is.


So I have two problems. One is with my group. I live on a different floor (two stories higher) than the rest of the people in the group. Often, when they go to meals, I don't know about it because they don't send out texts or anything, they just knock on people's doors, so I often end up in my room alone wondering where everybody went. What's the best way to deal with that? I'm on the verge of blowing up at one or all of them for no good reason (I know it's not their fault) and that's the last thing I want to do. Then there are times when I specifically ask them to text me if they do something...and nobody ever does.


My second problem is with one of my guy friends, the only one of them that also belongs to our group. For the past few weeks we've been spending a lot of time together, studying and exploring campus and stuff. I believe(d) we're the closest each other has to a best friend. A few days ago he went home for a couple of nights--he lives nearby and I was actually supposed to visit him, but it didn't work out--and ever since I sense that he's been more distant. I've hardly spent any time with him without the group. I love spending time with the group, but it gets very stressful for me after a while; I've always been more comfortable with isolated one-on-one interactions, even if everybody's a good friend. Also, when the group is added to an activity, I lose any influence I might have had to the two very dominant girls. I don't want to split from the group, but I don't want to downgrade my really good friendship either. Does anybody have any input on either of my problems?

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