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Pissed of at being ''short''

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I'm 18 and still only 5 ft 7'' (just) tall.....is it possible i can still grow taller? I have always been a bit of a late developer and still can't grow a beard .


When do humans stop growing taller?


Is there anything i can do to ensure i reach my full potential height?


Do those Height drugs actually do anything?


It is really bugging me as most of the girls down the gym are my height or taller! I also lost my last g/f as i was ''too short''


Please help! One concerned Rage

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Now that ur 18, uv probably stop growing, sorry.


I too know what its like to be short. I was the 3rd smallest boy in my class. Luckily i had a bit of a growth spurt later on, and im now 5 foot 10 or so, so im happier, but would still prefer to b nearer 6 foot.


U just hav to except it im afraid, theres loads of girls out there that like shorter guys, its just ur ex preferred taller guys by the sounds of it.

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Hmm...Actually, Rage, 5'7" is not a that short! My ex was 5'7", and whenever I stood next to him, he looked like a giant! Maybe you can grow your hair out, and spike it up! That might add to a bit of a visual illusion. I didn't know, but after reading JonnyG's thread, I guess I am short! There's a lot of ladies out there, who are short I guess, if guys consider 5'4" as being short...So, try not to worry about it. A lot of ladies, in my area are around 5'3''-5'5''. The tallest guy that I went out with was 5'10'', and standing next to him, made me feel like an ant.


If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it too much. 5'7" is good! Perhaps, you can work on building up some muscles, so that you look a little bigger. I'm not talking about buff. I don't like guys who are too buff. Not like those hardcore weight lifters...(some of them look like glazed turkey...You know, like when they compete at their 'weight lifting conventions'...and they add oil to their skin...yeah, they kinda look funny). So, be happy with your height! Work on your build, and keep it simple! I like guys around that height anyway. Guys who are about the average height, make me feel little more at ease with myself. At least, it's better than being a jolly, green-giant right?


Hope this Helps!


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Thankyou for the advice people! Much appreciated.


I suppose it is something i will just have to accept. I suppose i am not extremely short, it's just that all the girls around here are really tall !


On the upside, my hero, Bruce Lee was 5ft 7'' tall !


Hey Mahlina, how did you know i have short hair!!LOL.


Oh, and i am already quite well built, any more and i think i would be one of those glazed turkeys!


Just out of interest though, has anyone grown in height after the age of 18?


Cheers, Rage

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