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Playing Hard to get??

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Hey, well many of you might know my situation since I posted a few things about it, but anyway something kindda came to me last night. Last night, I was talking to my friends and the whole situation of me and the girl (whom I've known for since the 8th grade and we were best friends but I started liking her and things changed after the 11th grade) starting to talk again came up.


I mentioned that I called her about one or two weeks ago and I got through to her finally but a minute later her cell phone rang. Other times I try calling her, shes "never home." Like 1 day I call and her sister answers and I asked if the girl was home and she gose "No, shes not here" so I asked if she was at wrok and she goes "Oh yeah." I asked when her hours where and she struggled to answer then I said ''its random, huh?" and she goes yeah and asked if she should take a message. I call at least 2 or 3 times a week with no success.


I also mentioned the times that I see her and she gets all excitted (and blushes and plays with her hair) and how she gets excitted when my friends say something about me and she ask about me sometimes, but recentally I havent seen her again.


Well my friend mentioned ''It sounds like she likes you but she might be playing HARD TO GET!" > Well anyway, I want to know is shes right or if this girls is avoiding me and doesnt want to talk to me anymore. Is there anyway to know?

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honey, i am sorry to tell you but she is not playing hard to get. She is just being immature and avoiding turning you down because she likes the attention of a guy but, not you. I think her behavior is rude, but it is definitly keeping you interested, i never understand guys because of this very behaviour. Why are you still calling her? She is showing No signs of interest. I think if you really like this girl you should do the following.

call and if shes not there leave a message on HER phone. one last chance. Ask her out on a creative outing/date, and say, i have been trying to get a hold of you for quite some time now, but i wanted to do this........DO not act stalkerish any longer. SHe is prob . flattered by your attention, and when she stops getting it she will wonder where you are if she likes you. Another point, you are acting a little obsessive. If a girl doesnt call you back, dont call again and again. its kinda creepy.....


good luck!!

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