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ok here is a short story of what has happened.

I really really love my girlfriend and she knows it but today she asked me why I love her. I just stood there shocked like i didn't know what to say. I can't really explain it but she wanted to know why i love her.

Here are my questions for u:

1. Has this happened to u?

2. What did/would u say to a girl if she asked u why?

3. What are reasons that know that u are truly in love with her?

4. If she is hanging on a guy she just met and dancing with him (cuz i don't dance (don't know how) except for slow dancing). Should I be jealous.



I would like honest opinions here please. please help me as best as u can or give good advice. THANKS

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Coming from me as a women, the truth on why a man loves you is all the afirmations we like to hear. The question you need to ask yourself is do you really truly love her unconditionally and why is it you love to spend time with her, why her whats special about her compared to any other woman in this world. The answer that you seek are not going to come from strangers but from your heart. If you truly love her and are not one of the many guys that say it for the sake of saying it because thats what women want to her. Sure we as women need to here those words as reassurance that our relationship were in are real. But only say it if you mean it, cause not meaning it hurts more when the truth come out. Thats all I can give you for advice. Look inside yourself for the answers to give her.

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First off I've never had a gf but I wanna take a shot at this to see if others on here agree with what i'm gonna say:


She wants to know why you love her..to answer that she's probably wanting you to think about all the things you two have been through together or things you two have done..think about her vs. all the other girls you dated..what made you wanna date her? and she's thinking why did you pick me?..how am I this special to him? out of all the girls he could get why me?...think about the things you do for her..do you two share alot of personal things about each other and try to help one another with the problems he/she is facing?..Do you picture yourself with this girl years down the line when your getting info in the mail from AARP and are going to the doctor for arthritis problems? Think about how you two met, about how her family and how they feel about you...Also do you use the phrase I love you alot? like maybe wearing out its meaning..you may think nothing of it but those words mean A WHOLE LOT to her coming from you. Just my two cents..hope I was right on some of this..



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Hey as they have told you before women like to hear the "I Love you" phrase as often as possible ( If you really mean it). When I ask my boyfriend why he loves me he gives me a million things that he loves about me, not why he loves, me. So when he asks me this is what I tell him, which is what I really feel and it took me months to put it into words.


" I could tell you that I love you because you are funny, but what happens the day you stop being funny, or I could tell you because you are smart, handsome, etc. But what happens when this ends? There is no reason why I love you because I do not need a reason to love you , because the reasons will end or change but my love will never change"


Cool ha!!!

And about your girl dancing with someone else. Well you could do two thigns, one since you love your girl so much you got to learn how to dance and dance with her, or you could simply let her dance and trust her.


Good Luck


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