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Feeling intoxicated after AA meeting

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So went to an AA meeting, first one in awhile. Went out after with a bunch of people i just met, went to get some food. Had conversation........then after eating i was just sitting being quiet and noticed i felt intoxicated. I felt like i had been drugged, and all of a sudden started to feel a high, i couldnt pay attention to anyone and couldnt carry a conversation because the feeling was so intense. It felt like someone drugged me or something......very strange....so then i got paranoid of everyone there......some ex-herione addicts......and i started to think someone did something to me....I still feel weird. Its like my mind is zoned out or something......crazy.......I dont know whats going on, but it makes me not trust anyone......it happened late a night....so maybe its being tired but i dont think so, i havent eveer felt this way sober.

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