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Pay check seems short, what is appropriate action

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Paycheck seemed short, it was paid in cash due to check never coming in mail. Anyway recieved cash from boss, it seems short, gonna run through my numbers first to be sure.

If i caluculate it is short, what do u think is appropriate action, i like the job and have good relationships with people there. Small company.......boss is really only upper managment, so he is the one who controls everything.....what to do......I was furious when i counted it.....

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I would request the most updated pay stub which shows your gross salary and all the required deductions. It's almost impossible to figure out if you were shorted without that information. If a payroll company handles the payments, you should be OK. But, if your boss controls all of that, things might not be on the up and up. What makes you think you should have had more--do you usually get more in a check? Paying in cash is a really odd thing--why didn't he write a company check? Cash has no paper trail, so I would be suspicious, too.

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