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Ok, I have a problem. Almost every year I at least have about two girls that like me and one that I like. This is not a problem you may think, but it is for me. All the girls that like me I end up being friends with but I am not attracted to them. I try to be as nice to them as possible but I don't end up liking them. When I talk to them I am not nervous in any way. But when I talk to the girl that I do like I get nervous. When I try talking to her I find it difficult to keep a conversation. First,I don't have anything to say and when I don't talk for a short period, like in a 30 seconds, she starts to talk to some one else. Its like if she ignores me. Even during a conversation she will begin to talk to someone else or someone will bud in and she will talk to them more. I try to keep talking to her but it only last a short period of time. Sometimes more and more people get into the conversation that I get left out.


When I am talking to the girls that like me I don't ignore them. I try to talk to them like the way I would like to be treated by the girl I like. But For once I would like to have a girl that likes me and I like her. Its great that girls like me, but it is better to be liked by the girl you like than to be like by a million girls. There was one time that I got lucky, it was in sixth grade, I am now a junior in high school, where I sat next to all the girls that liked me including the one I liked. But the one I liked didn't talk much while the other girls wouldn't stop talking. I tryied to talk to her more but she was shy and she didn't talk much and she drained all of my topics for a conversation away. I don't want to insult her, but it was like talking to a mental, you talk and they don't respond. The other girls asked me If I wanted to get with her I said yes, I don't really know what she said because an hour later she didn't want to be with me anymore.


This was as close as I got to a girlfriend due to my problem. I do regret not trying much to try to get her. Does any one else have this problem.

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Hey asspen.


I don't experience your problem. But I thought I might chuck in something. Sometimes when you don't know what to talk about, remember that feeling? Yea, the person you're tryin 2 talk to may be experiencing the same thing but they're less shy than you so they move on to someone who is easier to talk to. You're just gonna have to learn to open up and talk more I guess.


But on the side note. that girl who's ignoring you or whatever can be doing it because well there's heaps of reasons. 1) She does like you and she doesn't know what to say and she doesn't want to look dumb so she goes away. 2) She likes you and she doesn't know what to do so she avoids you for a while. 3) She doesn't like you and she's not interested. 4) She doesn't like guys who are popular coz she can't trust them.


Those are just some on the top of my head but if ur really interested, you'd be better off asking her or her closer friends.



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This problem has happened many times. And I always find out who she likes because she will eventually tell me. And I know they don't like me because I can tell. They talk to me like she does to any other person. There isn't any hints or nothing that has ever told me that she likes me. Im just another classmate.

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