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To court or not to (es)cort


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Hi, new here. Does anyone have experience with escorts? I'm a long term single guy and I'm seriously considering visiting one. In the past I would have never considered anything like this but have to admit with some years of drought I've just starting thinking about it.


Why not just get a booty call? They're usually free or the price of a nice dinner.

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Don't have experience with escorts. I personally think it's unfair that some guys have to resort to pay for dates or sex, whereas girls don't because there's always men available. I'm also personally against paying for sex, and if the girl tries to in any way imply that she's giving more than I am when we have sex, I get pissed off.


My advice would be to try and make friends with as many girls as you can but don't over-commit yourself as a friend to any of them. If your social circle is expanded, your chances of finding love increase. Proximity is the single biggest predictor of love. Just let it happen naturally, don't expect it and don't force it. You need to look away from cats for them to look want your attention again, remember.

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you might want to look at another post of mine in infidelity.


first off, I'm a liberal gal. I don't mind my boyfriend watching porn. I dont think there is a problem with visiting an escort once, if he's single and not putting anyone else at risk. But I do think it's a gateway drug for sex addiction. If you aren't careful if could be a habit, and you might start objectifiying women like our friend who compared to makes of cars. It might change your perception of women, it might lower it, and you might prefer it to buying dinner and the accompanying drama.


Most STD's can be cured, but the bad habits might never go away.

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you might want to look at another post of mine in infidelity.


first off, I'm a liberal gal. I don't mind my boyfriend watching porn. I dont think there is a problem with visiting an escort once, if he's single and not putting anyone else at risk. But I do think it's a gateway drug for sex addiction. If you aren't careful if could be a habit, and you might start objectifiying women like our friend who compared to makes of cars. It might change your perception of women, it might lower it, and you might prefer it to buying dinner and the accompanying drama.


Most STD's can be cured, but the bad habits might never go away.


interesting points. For me I can't see myself starting a habit as it's way too much money or ever seeing it becoming a preference to real relationships. I just saw this as a one-off.

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If you choose this route, I think your best bet is to save up some money for a nice vacation.


A night with an escort would hardly be a great memory and would be over before you know it.


A week on vacation in a world location where sex is readily and easily available (paid or otherwise) would be something else entirely (and possibly a bit more risky).

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Receiving oral with a condom on is probably less risky for the guy.


Anal anything and giving oral I'd say is more risky. The thing about oral is that a tiny cut, tear, bleeding gums or anything of that nature would make transmitting viruses reasonably probable.


You probably should get in touch with guys that actually do this sort of thing so that they can give you recommendations if that is what you decide on. Not that it is safe, but if a guy has used an escort regularly and has been clean of STD's, at least it would be better than going in blind.

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Does anyone have experience with escorts?



Oh, I just love this thread! You all have great answers and great advise to this man's seeming problem. The truth is watered_down, you only 'think' the well has gone dry. The reality is, YOU have not lowered the bucket.


To answer your question, yes, I have had experience with escorts! The experiences that I have had however, is with MALE escorts for females. Probably never thought of that one, did you! What my actual experience has entailed is interacting shall we say, with female clients of mine who have shown up for an event that I have sponsored and came dressed to the 9's with hired male-escort-on-arm. The same thing occurs with the same frequency regarding males with female escorts, but I will focus my post to the former.


I have never personally 'hired' a male escort for myself, but like a lot of other women prior to our 20's, most of us have been escorted to a high school dance for example. When you get there, everyone just splits and goes off to their own friends! The whole idea being, that a woman does not want to show up alone or appearing to be alone at the dance. It doesn't look cool. She can always say that she is with old what's-his-name if anyone undesirable should ask and she can always say that she already has a ride home.


I use to ask guys if they would take me (escort me) to a dance because I really love dancing. They were always happy that I asked them because they were always afraid to ask me. What is THAT about anyway? I had to pay a guy gas money one time, so I guess technically I did pay for his escort services. But getting back to my clients with escorts, the women I speak of do it for exactly the same reason that we did it in high school.


In certain circles or circumstances, the appearance as a 'couple' is sometimes more to a woman's advantage than the contrary. The male escorts are always impeccably dressed, as are the women who hired them and their sole function is to be by her side at all times and NOT off working the crowd. He also receives a detailed briefing before the evening starts as to what is expected of him. Payment for intended services rendered is also taken care of prior to, rather than at the end of the evening.


I have had so much fun with both male and female escorts that I could go on for an hour, but I'll stop here and give someone else a chance. In closing I will say, gentlemen... you do not need to hire a female escort. You guys can show up at a party alone, show up at a bar alone, show up at the dance alone, sleep on a park bench alone and nobody really thinks anything of it. I happen to know a sizable number of very wealthy, VERY fit and extremely successful young, single females who cannot do what you guys take for granted. From what I've seen in my travels, the girls that I hang out with apparently like romance as well...

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He means this man is considering hiring the equivalent of a prostitute, not an escort in the true sense of the word.


yea- just to clear up any confusion. In the UK - escort can be someone that comes with you to an event eg a dinner dance, ball or wedding -like in the film 'The Wedding Date', however they can also be someone you just have sex with - normally someone you visit at their house or your house and they're considered an expensive or high-class prostitute. We're talking in uk money around £150 per hour. I think the escort in The Wedding Date film cost a little more than that though!

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yea- just to clear up any confusion. In the UK - escort can be someone that comes with you to an event eg a dinner dance, ball or wedding -like in the film 'The Wedding Date', however they can also be someone you just have sex with - normally someone you visit at their house or your house and they're considered an expensive or high-class prostitute. We're talking in uk money around £150 per hour. I think the escort in The Wedding Date film cost a little more than that though!


That's right, and that is the meaning here in Toronto also. Well, I think you are making a valuable contribution to this thread -- even though the OP may have had something else in mind. I think you may be on to something.


In fact, if you were going to a business social and want to make an impression of going out with a hot girl (i.e. claim she is one of your girlfriends, etc...), or want to buy dating experience without worrying about making an impression on a hot girl (since you are paying for it), then I'm sure that is a market out there for guys that have that need. Sounds better than just hiring some cheap $ 60 escort for half an hour and getting lousy in and out service for half the time and "next client as soon as I'm finished with you" sort of feeling.


Paying for an enriched experience where it seems like you are dating a hot someone you are into with GUARANTEED fun afterwards sounds like a better experience then just looking for a quick sex fix.


(note: my information about 'escort' experience is derived from imagination as I've never actually used an escort...this is based on mental calculations and information available on the internet)

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