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NOt sure what to do about school


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SO do i follow my motivations and interests no matter what they are or how risky they seem?

See i have no motivation when it comes to school, none really, none coming from my heart.

Recently though i have discovered an acting school. And i am self motivated to enroll and pay on my own, and get into it.

I used to think the word motivation didnt apply to me, but maybe i just wasnt going down the right path for me

But what risk is there. Acting classes arent going to get me a four year degree, and its not the safe stable route. But as far as i can tell, ive got a hell of alot more passion on that direction, so do i choose my passion and heart, or safety and tradtion


I willl always follow my heart no matter what, and give my self completey to every artistic endeavor or any endeavor for that .

I am enrolling in acting class.,

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