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Am I overreacting?

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I was writing my girlfriend a love letter, which I do from time to time to let her know how special she is to me. I went to grab some paper from her locker, and ended up finding her notebook. I know I shouldn't have been looking, but I needed some paper and had no idea what I'd find inside. At first, I started to read alot of notes that were about me... they were mainly from when we started dating and even before. One of them was a letter to me about how much she loved me, etc (but it was never intended to be sent, she was just writing to herself. also, we weren't even dating then... so she wouldn't want to freak me out).


Anyways, I would have stopped there, but (there's always a but, eh) I was hooked by the sweet things she was saying. After Christmas she started getting distant, and in the letters it said she "connected" with a guy she met when she went away on a trip. She said they were watching a movie, and their feet touched and then their hands, and he sort of put his arm around her... at the end of the night she hugged him. She said that he was really hot, and would have been all over him if it weren't for me (she said she'd never cheat). After reading this, I was shocked... the girl I am so in love with was thinking about another guy. I know they've been in contact a little (because he's a friend of her best girlfriend), but it was friendly in nature. I would also like to add that she's been going through depression... but this is killing me, I've been with her for 8 months and I don't know what to do. Do I confront her? Am I overreacting?

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the best relationships have good communication. u should always be able to confront her. maybe wait a little while, to see if she ends up telling u, she MAY get mad at u for reading her book, but just say, that u expected to have that privilage due to the fact that u know her locker combo, and that u love her... etc. but i srta did something like that w/ my bf, and i couldnt contain it for more than, i think it was, 4 days... i told him, he just got a little upset, and then it all blew over, and i still love him, and he still loves me, and i hate to brag, but we couldnt've gotten this far if we didnt have such great communication skills... thats the key to a relationship... how is one expected to have a relationship w/ another, if they cant talk about EVERYTHING?

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Okay, lets talk about trust. I think you need to admit some things about yourself first and you don't read someone elses journal, this is fundamentaly wrong. Now you have to admit it to your girlfriend, because this would be the right thing to do unless you want to add deceit and resentment to your relationship. Good luck.

Besides, your girlfriend didn't act on her feelings. Its normal to be attracted to other people even when you are in a committed relationship. Sounds like she's committed to you. You need to focus your attention to having a good talk with her and clearing the air between you rather than rattling on and on on the internet.

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