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Want to become a hermit for a while...


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This may seem weird to some, and as a matter of fact, it seems pretty weird to be, but lately I've been thinking of just becoming a complete hermit, and closing off all possible methods of social interaction with people I know. I feel as though I hate being a teenager, and should just let the remaining years waste away. I've never been really social to begin with, but I feel like doing this for a while. Is this...strange? I seem to have no desire at all to hang out with my friends outside of school; I'm completely content on my own. Eh...I don't know what's going on with me but I've been feeling like this lately.

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I like having hermit moments from time to time. I like to spend a couple weeks just at home focusing on my art and occasionally invite friends over for a coffee or some drinks and show them where I'm at and what I've been focusing/working on...

I don't think it's a bad thing, but I like my seclusion...

If you do go ahead with it just make sure it's for the right reasons (ie: NOT escape.. it will only make things worse.)

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I like having hermit moments from time to time. I like to spend a couple weeks just at home focusing on my art and occasionally invite friends over for a coffee or some drinks and show them where I'm at and what I've been focusing/working on...

I don't think it's a bad thing, but I like my seclusion...


I'm EXACT same. I take time out from the world often and to concentrate on my work. I love my alone moments and they can last for days at a time...

But then I spring back into the real world and catch up with family and friends.

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