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I like this girl she does too but we don't know each other.

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Ok, Im in high school and there is this girl I really like. At first I didn't really notice her much because I liked another girl. But then I started to notice that she looks at me a lot and I suspected that she likes me. Now I have forgotten about the other girl and I am starting to like her. I like her a lot but we have never spoken to each other, we don't even have a class together. I want to talk to her but she is always with her friends and I don't know what to say to her. She is always moving from place to place so I don't know where she hangs out. I have friends that have her in one of their classes, and I ask them to talk to her for me, but they don't know her either. How do I start a conversation with her without looking stupid like I always do when I am around a girl I like. Can some one please give some advice to catch my beautiful Unicorn?

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I suppose, the next time you do see her, simply say hello. Try to get her name if you can. Really just maybe ask her how her day is going, and try to start a simple conversation. It's always good to do baby steps, before you try to hard. And the most important thing: be yourself.

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Yeah, try saying hello! Just say, 'hey, how's it going?' with a smile as you pass her in the hall or something. You don't have to stop and talk - it's just a small step which will send a signal saying 'I want to talk to you sometime'.

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That sounds simple but I hardly pass by her. When I do she is usually with her friends and she is usually in the middle. If I say hi she will probably not hear me or she might not say anything at all, maybe a simple hi but that would probably be it. She seems like the shy type of person. There are some times she does walk by me but she walks so fast I am not be able to say anything. And I am not the talkative type myself. Its not that I don't like to talk or that I am shy, which I am not, its just that I have nothing to say. That is why it is really hard for me to start a conversation. How do I know when it is the perfect opportunity to get to talk to her?

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