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I let him Go....Now im hurting!!

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ok...This is bad im crying so bad I can hardly type. This guy and I have been dating for about 3 weeks. He was sweet and had a great personallity but the only problem was he was shy. He couldnt really talk to me in person, which sucked! I got real fed up with it and snapped on him. I broke up with him last night. I thought I was over him! I mean this guy loved me alot....or as he says. Let me ask all you people a question. Cuz in his dictonary love is loving a person one day and not another, which in mine loving someone is a feeling that will never leave. Now what do u people think!? Also he is tellin eevryone wuts goin on, and people are flipping on me sayin I had it good when they dont know the half of it. He would not even look at me in person. I feel like I just got played when I dumped him, which its fuc*ed up! I got away from the relationship but im still stuck! Well anyways today I talked to him, in the beginning he was all nice and told me his feelings, but now that he got his one friend to talk to me and tell me how good I had it and how bad I messed up hes acting all different. Hes acting like oh im too good for you, now that a girl told u that im to good for u! Messed up right, when this is really messed up, cuz that girl that GIRL that is tellin me how good I had it rejected that guy! Now Dominic thats my ex by the way is sayin he is pretty sure its over! When an hour ago its all...oh I love u bulSh*t I shouldnt have got invovled with him! Wut do I do, like I said im cryin HELP

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Okay, it sounds like Dominic is hurt because you broke up with him, and he hasn't taken it very well. How he's behaving is wrong, but you need to understand that he's in an aggressive mode after being dumped.


If you still want to have a relationship with him, go talk to him, just the two of you. Apologize *sincerely* for breaking up with him. Tell him you made a mistake. Tell him you weren't thinking clearly and ask for another chance. Tell him that if he's willing to quit all this stuff with his friends arguing with you, you'll give it another go.


3 weeks is such a short time - don't worry if the two of you aren't sure if you 'love' each other yet. Tell him none of that matters, and say 'let's just give it another chance and see how we go'.

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I think everyone hurts after they dump someone. Especially when the person acts so stupidly about it all.


I think deep down you will be glad that youve ended it with him. Guys who arent mature enough to overcome their shyness are often better left alone until they are.


His friends are trying to make you feel bad because you hurt their friend, thats just them showing loyalty to him. Ignore them and it will eventually stop I think. You made the right decision, you KNOW you didnt have it all that good, and hell, you are right in saying that he cant know what love is - three weeks is a very short amount of time.


If you do want to still be with him... which i doubt, then Pip's advice is great.


good luck, i hope it all clears up soon -


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