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I was sitting in my english class one day not too long ago and we were given an assignment to write a poem. The poem was supposed to be a love poem and I was completely drawing a blank. The girl that i have liked for a while happens to be in that class too so I just looked at her for a few seconds. I could think of the things below and much much more in just that little bit of time. Please read it and tell me what you think. Also tell me what you think I should do with it. Should I give it to her or read it to her? She already knows I like her and senior year is almost over. Is this a way I could ask her out or too strong?

I also had one other quick question. I want to get her a gift before the end of the year as a kind of goodbye but not so she will remember me forever. I was thinking of a necklace with a heart on the end engraved or something like that??? Last year for christmas I got her her favorite childhood book for a present and she said it was the most thoughtful gift she has ever gotten from a guy. Is there anyway to beat that??? help me with this please.

Alright here goes with the poem:


As my head arose and turned you way,

I wondered if it was the day.

Is this an angel from above,

Or maybe just my one true love.


Not much words there are to say,

On the beach of which we lay.

Whichever waves we may be listening,

I'm stuck on your face that is glistening.


No amount of world tours,

Would help find a beauty such as yours.

The beautiful sunset that catches your eye,

Doesn't matter to me and I now know why.


The harmonious song of many a great bird,

Are all blocked out for it's only you I've heard.

Your voice is so kind and true,

That it forces me to only love you.


For my true love of which I wait,

She has a heart that is so great.

Made of gold and always there,

Showing me that she will always care.


Beautiful, caring, sweet, and kind,

I know how hard you were to find.

Please let me have you and your pure heart,

And know that we will never be apart.


So what do you think about the poem and the other stuff???

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Well I think the poem is pretty cool, and the book thing was nice too, but I think your not ready for using LOVE yet. That would scare her off. Instead, write her little poems if thats yourr thing. Heres one I made up today:

"Roese are red,

Violets are blue,

Your a cool chick,

Lets watch a flick"


Stuff like that. Like ask her if she wants to read your poems and if she goes yeah, let her see the dinky ones like that 1 first. Since they are lighthearted yet to the point, she can think either way. Eventually, you show her your big poem that you wrote for class. I think it would be best for that poem to be your very last 1 before graduation, but you can show her anytime you feel is right. Hopw that helps.

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