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after 2 months of NC

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It has been a little over 2 months of NC with my ex-gf whom I broke up with. We broke up because I felt that she had feelings for a friend of hers, even though she said she didn't, but the final straw was when I caught her lying about contact with him and didn't feel respected anymore. Anyways, it has been two months of NC, and lately I've been feeling very very lonely. Within those 2 months, I made one attempt to talk face to face to get some "closure" but she just gave vague answers. I'm meeting a lot more people and doing things I wouldn't have done when I was with her. I just can't get past the fact that she doesn't seem to care at all that she hurt me, yet I keep having dreams about her all of a sudden after 2 months and it is stressing me out. On top of that, she tells people that she can't do anything about the situation ( she keeps playing the victim), and I don't know what to do. I don't want to miss her all of a sudden but I am.

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Try one more time to meet up & talk. It may help to tell her that you just want an open & frank discussion & that if she still has any sort of feelings/respect for you that doing this for you will help you move on.


Can I ask...do you still want her? If it's been 2 months & she hasn't started anything with this friend, maybe there was nothing in it? Maybe that's why she's telling people theres nothing she can do about it. You believe that she has a thing for this person & she doesn't but has no ability to change your mind. Her keeping contact on the down low was perhaps to avoid confrontation with you as it was a sore point.


If you think theres a chance of reconcilliation & that this friend is the only stumbling block...you owe it to yourself to try & resolve it

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she made u break it up man....she set u up so that she didnt have to initiate it.

U deserve better man -- exercise too bro it keeps ur endorphins up which helps with being happy.

She's playing the victim so that she doesnt feel guilty on emotionally cheating on you and thats why she wont give u closure. She wants to keep the victim tag so she wont get the blame or feel guilty with her friends around her.


U deserve better bro, No contact is the best for you. Delete her from your life and when your ready - forgive her so you will move on.

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Try one more time to meet up & talk. It may help to tell her that you just want an open & frank discussion & that if she still has any sort of feelings/respect for you that doing this for you will help you move on.


Can I ask...do you still want her? If it's been 2 months & she hasn't started anything with this friend, maybe there was nothing in it? Maybe that's why she's telling people theres nothing she can do about it. You believe that she has a thing for this person & she doesn't but has no ability to change your mind. Her keeping contact on the down low was perhaps to avoid confrontation with you as it was a sore point.


If you think theres a chance of reconcilliation & that this friend is the only stumbling block...you owe it to yourself to try & resolve it

The thing is, we have been on and off for a while because this guy made me uncomfortable, but I always initiated contact and tried to get her back after about a month. The guy IS a stumbling block but when we broke up, I told her that I wasn't comfortable dealing with the other guy anymore, and she didn't say anything in response. Everytime I try to initiate contact, she just gets an attitude and it puts me back at square one, but I'm just wondering why everything ended so vaguely. As far as wanting her, yes I do, but I can't want someone that doesn't want me and it would take a lot to regain the lost trust (from her lying)

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Allgood- is it normal to do that, and then try to make me jealous even though she may not want me? The first week we broke up, she would drive around my house, the second week, her friend put up pictures of my ex and that guy at her bday party.


its messing u up man.....i just learnt my lesson from looking at her friends facebook pics and walls - they post stuff about her to make u feel bad or worse.. No contact is the best ive deleted her friends and deleted her facebook 2nd week of the break up. Are you sure it was her???


With my ex i got the truth out of her cause i was in the same situation as you. She was hanging out with a workmate at night and not answering my calls everytime they were hangingout till i had enough and said i wanted to break up - straight away she says are "you serious?" I say "yes", then she says "lets do this face to face". I ate my words and wanted to work things out and she said no. 3 days later after we broke up she kissed him (she told me last we spoke) and now theyre together (confirmed when i looked at her friends facebook - 3 days ago).


move on man- delete her from your life AND FORGIVE HER, by ending it on a good note when your ready and keep NC for life.

i havent spoken to her in 2months - i just emailed her last week to end it on a good note and asking her not to reply to the email and just send me her address so i can return things.....


move on man - the quicker u start NC and keepthinking positive the quicker youll start to heal.


NC + EXERCISE+ WORK ON YOURSELF + TREAT YOUR SELF KINDLY + talk to all your close friends about it + keep busy = HEALING


all the best man - keep strong

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