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she likes me and another guy can i compete

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ok well me and this girl courtney dated twice but we were always with friends and stuff, anyway so she tells me she didnt wanna see me anymore because she didnt feel that way (bear in mind this ripped me apart inside because i really like her) so i tried everyway i knew to win her back and i was always almost there but never made it completely, so i finally decide to accept it and give up but we remained friends, this is all in a week so i went out with one of her friends tara and i started to like this girl, so i told courtney and she got really angry at me and stuff because i liked her and she messaged my phone the next day saying go out with her but i wont like it but ill have to accept it etc , then i was talking on the net to her and she had a friend over and i started talking to her friend and i asked her friend how old she was and courtney got really angry with me saying dont flirt with my friends you like me remember so we sorted it out. so she has feelings for me so i tried to get back with her and i eventually got out of her that she likes her bestfriend and thats the only thing holding her back after she told me that she goes if my friend adds you on msn messneger dont let her ok so i said yes.


He has alot of advantages over me because he goes to her school and sees her everyday, and he sweet talks and stuff But she hasnt been on her own with me so she cant really go off that so i told her before she makes a decision to go just me and her just as mates so she agreed to it so what can i do to make her pick me over him hes a real sweet talker aparently so i need soome help to help her like me more then him i know that she still has feelings for me so i need something to make that escalate into something more . also i was thinking about buying her a present when i go meet up with her what are some good suggestions i dont want flowers because we have to carry them around all day so anyy suggestions would be appreciated

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