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Hello all,


I have a long story to tell so please bare with me and help me to get the love of my life back. I met Erin three and a half years ago at college, she was beautiful and her heart and soul were pure. Although she had self esteem issues i tried to help her work on them. She weighed 188 at 5'5 and thought she was not beautiful and had to put makeup on to make people think she was pretty. I tried everything to make her see and believe that i think she's the best thing to walk the face of the earth and it kindda worked. we dated for three and a half years. Last March "a year ago" i was hospitalized for back surgery and started takin pain killers and got addicted without knowing mean while erin had been out of school and in new jersy for a year and a half now "I am in michigan" we would meet once every three/four weeks for a weekend and it was great, we would talk for hours on the phone and all was well. Last May "year ago" i befriended a psychopath that i thought needed help and i thought i could help her. She would come over we would watch TV talk and i would pass out on the pain killers and she would sleep next to me. This went on for seven monthes and i didn't tell erin because i was terrified she would end things and because i thought i had actually been having sex with the other gurl. Long story short Doctor's made it quite clear that there's no way in hell i could have sex with her while on the pain killers. However i first told erin that i was having sex with her, because i thought i was, and then later after the doctor told me that i couldn't have i called her and updated her. Now she doesnt' believe a word i have said. Also since last May "a year ago" Erin has lost about 40 pounds and feels so confidnet and every one complements her on her new look. And now she started seeing someone else for the past month and she's head over heals for him. Even though we talked about marriage and a life together .. i havne't spoken to her in three weeks and the last thing she said to me was i don't love you anymore go back home there's nothing left for you here. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. i have sent her every flower on earth, letters, cards and everything i could think of.. she told me to stop sending her things.. she even changed her cell number and blocked me on all messengers even though i haven't callled her in three weeks or spoken to her online since then. I feel horrible depressed and dead inside. I lost 30 pounds and hate life.. I just want to know what i can do to get her back.. If anyone has any idea PLEASE HELP ME!!

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First of all, Hi


First of all a quote for you to think about.

Don't push any1 to hard, if it's meant to be, it will happen.


Well, For a start I commend you for trying to help Erin accept herself for who she is, but it should've been her start herself on the road to confidence, and you to be there for her. However she may have not done it, so that could be void...

If that makes sense. Oh well I know what I mean


For a start, you shouldn't help a psychopath. Leave it to the people who know what to do.


I feel sorry for you about Erin also not believing you that you didn't have sex with the other girl. But maybe she needed proof.


A;so if she is seeing someone else now, leave it, move on. You seem to have not another chance. And if you really love her. You will realise that real love is just wanting the person you love to be happy, no matter who she is with, and to realise that if she was with you would it ever be the same. Well the same as before you told her you thought you slept with the other girl?


Hope that helps.


I could try to help more on this, but on trying to get a taken person back, im ruthless, dont spoil the life they have.


I hope you find love again.



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