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Orgasming.. painful?


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This is so embarrassing...


I don't believe I've ever orgasmed. Masturbation isn't all that for me, I do it ilke once in a blue moon, and I doubt I've ever orgasmed.


However, when I've had sex, I experience something and I don't know what it is...


A while into sex my body will start to convulse, sort of painfully, and my back arches into a fit and there's a sudden adrenaline rush and I always push any guy off. It's like I turn into a werewolf or something. It's usually after the guy has cummed so they don't mind but they're a bit weirded out... it's pretty exorcist-ish.


This didn't happen with my 1st sexual partner when we were having sex but it did when he was fingering me, a while into it all I wanted him to do was stop and then suddenly I'd have this "seizure".


It happened with my 2nd sexual partner when we were having sex, he was bigger so maybe that's why. He was a big guy, atleast 30 pounds bigger than me, and I get an adrenaline rush and THROW him to the other side of the bed =\.


Okay. Enough making myself look like a loser. Does anyone know what's wrong =[

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This sounds crazy. How do you feel after you experience this sort of thing? Weak? Like Jelly? Hot? Flustered? Or just normal/a bit short of breath?

Could be a really intense O but I've never heard of one accompanied by pain. I'm like you, with the thrashing about, back arching intensely (when it's good!!), but there is definitely not any pain (when I'm reaching O I'm pretty sure you could hit me accross the face and I wouldn't feel it!).

Ask a doctor or a nurse at family planning?

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I don't know what it is... but does it have any pleasure for you? or just painful?

Also, you have not even orgasmed from clit stimulation?


It has pleasure up until this happens.


Clit stimulation is even more painful and I can't really take it.


This sounds crazy. How do you feel after you experience this sort of thing? Weak? Like Jelly? Hot? Flustered? Or just normal/a bit short of breath?

Could be a really intense O but I've never heard of one accompanied by pain. I'm like you, with the thrashing about, back arching intensely (when it's good!!), but there is definitely not any pain (when I'm reaching O I'm pretty sure you could hit me accross the face and I wouldn't feel it!).

Ask a doctor or a nurse at family planning?


Well I kind of feel like anyone would feel after just having thrown a 180 pound guy.. Not really that weak or like jelly.. Hot and flustered a little but that's usually from confusion/embarrassment.. Like I can still walk, dance, run after it.



I don't know what it feels like for a woman to orgasm but what you're describing sounds like one except you're not getting much pleasure from it. I would ask your doctor about it.


Okay, thank you.

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Very unusual. My feeling is that if you were having a normal orgasm, you wouldn't be worried and asking on here, because orgasm should not be painful. Pretty much no natural bodily reaction that's meant to be a positive should be painful... unless that's what you're into!


Go see a doctor. Pain does not = normal.

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