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Just to lead me on?

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hey i was just wondering..


There is this guy that does the thing that you guys say a lot of girls do- he stares at me until i look at him and then he just keeps staring at me. i look at him too unless it begins to be akward. so i smile and look away. he also comes up and stands very close to me in the back kinda on the side. i know it seems like he likes me, but is there anyway that he doesnt. i mean i want him to like me, but i dont want to get my hopes up if you know what i mean.


would i guy do that just to lead me on? just for fun or something?

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Hmm, I don't think it would be wise to assume that he likes you based solely on the staring and standing close to you. Maybe he's just attracted to you, or perhaps he's a flirt and enjoys being like that with girls. Try talking to him, observing the way he reacts in your presense will give you a better clue as to what he feels for you.

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Don't like stay in groups all the time, and stuff - make it so you are sometimes alone around him, and you know, not busy.

An example being, if you know he takes a certain route, perhaps one day wait on that route, and just stand around doing nothing as if your waiting for someone, or your bored.

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