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I went on this date with a very nice and shy girl, which was good because I am shy too. I had fun with her...and there is definitely a physical attraction between us (a mutual friend has told me she thinks im hot, and i think she's gorgeous)...we also kept doing things like glancing at each other, then smile and look away....and at the end of the night she said she'd like to go out again, and she gave me her number.


I know that all sounds like it went perfect but there were some negatives...here they are: our mutual friend has told me that this girl doesn't want a boyfriend right now because she has "a lot going for her," she has NEVER had a boyfriend because she is very picky, she also told after the date that this girl said i was "cute, nice, sweet, but she wasn't sure if she liked me like THAT, and she would need to go out on another date to figure that out." Plus, I had one huge turn off from her for that night...i went into this date with the "knowledge" that she was a good girl andshe would never drink and party...but after talking to her, i found out that the only reason she doesn't do these things is because she "has a lot going on for her right now, but plans to do it in the future." I mean...if we were meant to be a couple, or if there was something potentially romantic, wouldn't we have felt more chemistry than this? Am I being to picky? Is she being too picky? Do we go on the second date? Should i want her to be my next girlfriend? Right now, i could be suaded either way...

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My friend, your date sounds like thousands that I have heard about.....including mine. First dates are tough, you both go out on the date because there was something there......that first date is really just kinda finding out if what you liked in that person is really there. Both of you could have been so scared....that you really werent yourselves. Just be cool wait a day and call and say I had a good time, and would like to get together again soon.

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