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Friends are using me

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My friends are using me.....i guess i didnt realise it till now....but what do i say with out saying i think your using me and with out lying...i have a really hard time speakin my mind, becaue i am afraid people will think i am bitchy..

please help soon


p.s i have some examples of situations if you guys need/want

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i really know how you feel. a couple years ago, it turned out that one of my best friends was using me the whole time. if they aren't treating you well, they aren't your friends. i suggest finding new real friends & stop talking & hanging out with your current friends. they don't deserve an explaination, they know what they did wrong. they will probably play stupid, but if you know for sure that they are using you, then just find new friends & stop calling them or returning their calls. just a warning, they might start giving you a hard time or starting rumors about you around school (thats what happened to me), but just hang in there. surround yourself with people you trust & don't let your "friends" get to you. if you ignore them, they will eventually give it up & move on to something else.

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Hi there - I'd say don't worry about what they'll think of you. Stand up for yourself. You don't have to do it in a rude way, but just say you'd rather not do something (for example) if they're trying to get you to do something.


Also, it helps to have your own ideas of what you want to do. Like, if they ask you to do something you don't want to, say more than "no." Say, "no, but why don't we do this?" It helps you seem like you're not being unfriendly. You still want to be with them, you just don't want to let them use you.


Another thing. Like other people have said, it doesn't hurt to make other friends. You don't have to drop the ones you have now immediately, but if you start making a few other friends from other groups, then you have a choice of who you hang out with. Hope that helps.

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