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can "no contact" rule help- after only 2 mos datin

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I was recently dumped by my boyfriend of 2 mos. Despite the fact that we didn't date long, we became extremely close- mabe too close. very open and honest about our feelings. he even told me that he has never gotten so close to anyone ever- never been in a relationship longer than two mos, never been or said he was in love, never revealed any of his mental problems to anyone. Well, i think us becoming so close so fast ruined things. we knew too much about each other and started being way too honest that our conversations started becoming long discussions- we were just getting emotionally drained from each other- instead of having fun- we became each other's psychologists instead of boyfriend/ girlfriend. i pushed him to break up with me and he did. both of us care so much for each other-often, i live in the past or future and not the present. well, that has also damaged our relationship. when i pushed him to break up with me, we talked over the phone for 5 hours. i didn't really beg or plead or cry- just a little coercing to no avail. we just talked about it and he thought about getting back, but he couldn't promise anything long-term. he didn't want to "string me along," knowing the same cycle of push and pull would eventually wear our relationship down again and he couldn't bear the recurring pain. we ended our conversation on a good note and i haven't called him since Sunday and won't. i'm much better now, but still feel pain. i'm afraid that since we haven't spent a significant amt. of time together, that there just aren't enough great memories for him to remember. could he call again? is our relationship even worth trying tog et back together- or will the same issue arise?

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I am not sure whether the length of a relationship is indicative of the intensity of it. I think that you are doing the right thing in not contacting him. NC is not a panacea for all ills, but it allows the people involved to heal and deal with their own issues.


Take this time to address some of the problems that you refer to and whether you two get back together or not, you will be better equipped to deal with your next relationship.


Good luck.


G xx

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I am not sure whether the length of a relationship is indicative of the intensity of it. I think that you are doing the right thing in not contacting him. NC is not a panacea for all ills, but it allows the people involved to heal and deal with their own issues.


Take this time to address some of the problems that you refer to and whether you two get back together or not, you will be better equipped to deal with your next relationship.


Good luck.


G xx

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