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need sex advice please help...

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hi, im new to this website so this is my first post..

im 18 and im sexually active with my girlfriend.. everything is great, we have foreplay for about an hour but when it comes time to do it, i only last for mins.. im looking for advice that would delay my orgasim. any ideas would help.. thanks -bobby

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I've had several boyfriends in the past who had the same problem, and what they have done that worked for them, is that they started thinking of something else. Like their to-do list for the next day. Only enough thought to get the climax down and you can continue on. Try that and see if it works.

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onyx.. ive tried that. but i think my thoughts are the things that are killing me, such as like while foreplay all i think about is the sex.. then while haveing sex all i can think about is how great it feels, and thats when i orgasim. i think i just have to try harder to get the those thoughts out of my head.

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Hi bobby

I can emphathise with you ..have the same problem I have been doing a few things which I hope will help and may help you too. Firstly, I dont believe that thinking about something else is the solution, after all, we are there to enjoy it!! So I am exercising my pc muscles every day. Wherever I look I get told to do this as it strengthens the muscles which help allow you to control the orgasm. Look for tantric love making teqhniques.. you will find plenty on this subject. I am also trying to learn to relax, and dont concentrate on trying to last longer - the more you think about lasting longer, the worse it gets. Ask me I know.

another thing I am going to try is a cock ring. I believe it may help delay the ejaculation and sustain an erection longer, which may in turn help confidence etc.. I dont think of it as a long term solution though.

Hope this helps you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Masturbate a few times earlier in the day so your balls get numb the moment you even think about getting an erection. That helps.


Otherwise, what works for me is relaxation during the act. Not tensing up the body like you do when you come. It's also acceptable to slow down the pace during the love-making and almost come to a halt. What I found lessens the sensation for me also is to make small movements in and out so it doesn't really stimulate the head. Just the root.


If push comes to shove, just think of your sister or mother and you're guaranteed some work ahead of you before the orgasm.

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I use to have the same problem, but now i seem to hav the opposite.


I put this down to several factors:


1) When i masterbate i try to do it for like 30mins+


2) When i ejaculate i do it on my knees


Now i hav always ejaculated on my knees, but having spent the last 4 months spending a good 30mins a go at it, i think the 2 things above has made my body get use to taking around 30 mins to cum, and also i preferably hav to b on my knees to cum. This has led to me taking a while to cum, and i find it easier after a while to cum by doing doggy style (this allows me to be on my knees). This position also helps as it allows u to go at the pace u want and can do deeper penetrations.


Also another factor is:


3) Durex Performas (these have a liquid in the end of them which helps numb the end of the penis making it less sensitive and thereforeeee increase the length of time b4 cuming) u should def giv these a go.

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