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What about SEX in that 'no contact' process ?!?

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What i seem to have realised is that whenever there is a breakup girlz tend to just 'jump' on the next guy whereas for guyz it seems that we take time to get over it ...for example i broke up with ex (2yrs) and 3 dayz later she was goin out with some punkass dude ...i didn't feel bad cuz during the relationship i was still 'havin fun' (not cheatin!) with other females and i was much more exclusive for her ..however she found out later in the relationship and i think she did it 4 revenge or cuz 'i did it and she can do it 2' ...well in all that i knew that emotionally she would break down and realize that we had/can have great times 2gether and she would miss it..it was just a question of time..


now it comes to sex , if during that 'no contact' period I had sex with other females to 'release myself' .. i guess it would be suicidal to ever let her know that and if she did , i shouldn't try to find out and keep that period 'blank'... ?!?


and if things things start to get on track , is it okay (help out the dumpee) to have sex with the dumper until it's 'official' .. ?!? or does it just get in a situation where one just abuse the other becuz they have a physical need as the other is lookin 4 an emotional 'relief'... ?


and the 'worst/good' part is there if u have already been out with someone there is already chemisty and they know how to push ur button and physical desire , attraction just build up until it becomes unbearable and u end up havin a steamy sex at 2pm in the kitchen ...how do u put tings in order ?!?

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Hi spiderman_56,


If you have broken up with your partner then having sex without people is up to you.


Do u think that ur ex will be giving it so much consideration ???? I dont think they will.


Its always harder for the dumpee, because we live in hope the ex will return. We dont want to ruin our chances or risk them finding out when they return.


If the dumper, has no intention on getting back with you then what difference would it make if you sleep with somebody else.


Even if they do want to come back, u wasnt together at the time so u wasnt cheating. U was moving on just like they wanted u to.


I might of got this post all wrong, but thats my opinion. Dont let the ex control ur actions any more. If u want great sex with somebody new go for it.


If the ex comes back and they ask if u have had sex with anybody else I would tell them the truth. If they ask the question they must be mature enough to except the answer.


If my ex returns I will not b asking if she slept with other guys, I dont want to hear it. All that would matter is that she chose me.


Her new boyfriend doesnt no what she likes, its only sex between them. When I had sex with my ex we was making love, I knew what she wanted and hit the spot every time. I was kind and considerate towards her and always made sure she was having a great time.


When she sleeps with somebody else, he will have to find out what she likes, how she likes it and where she likes it LOL. I already no, never had any complaints either.



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When she sleeps with somebody else, he will have to find out what she likes, how she likes it and where she likes it LOL. I already no, never had any complaints either.


Gee, it's the little things in life that make us feel better, don't you think?!?!?!


G xx

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