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is it possible???

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In theory it should be possible, just like loving all of your friends and family but i think it would seem very awkward. It would be like sharing your love, you would of course, love one person more than the other.

In my opinion it would be wrong but, you cant stop yourself from falling in love.


Ill have to think about this one some more, great question though!



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Yes, I think that it is possible to love more than one person at a time. Society conditions us to love only one person intensely. But as society changes, we are finding that it is not always practical or possible to love only one person, from our mid-twenties until the day we die. thereforeeee the divorce rates are rising. I think, equally, we are becoming more demanding of our partners, and of ourselves, and we make comparisons between partners.


I digress ... my answer is yes, I believe you can love more than one, however I think that it is emotionally draining, and ultimately, we chose one person over another, or that decision is taken away from us, when they find out!!


G xx

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I think we love many people in our lifetime. We love our family and friends all at the same time. However loving two people on a deep level at the same time can get us into troble especially if it lads to a triangle relationship. I think someone always ends up getting hurt in the long run.





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Definitely YES, I believe that we all have an infinite capacity for love. Society and individual choices limit how we express that. No, two relationships will not necessarily be equal. They will be in different stages, that doesn't mean the feeling is any less powerful or valid for each of the relationships. The real issue is time. How much of yourself are you willing to dedicate to maintaining more than one strong relationship. The other issue is of course what do the people you love think about the situation. No, it isn't easy, but is love ever easy?

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Hi themysteriousone,


I think that love is only a word. The emotional attachment to this word will differ between us all.


I love my family and friends, I love my ex fiancee but they are all loved in different ways.


The most important person in my life is my mum, I have very strong emotions and feelings for her.


I also have deep feelings for my ex fiancee, the love runs deeper with my mum but is different to the love I had for my fiancee.


We all share our love, I hope I spread my love fairly.


If somebody touches ur life and u love them the love will never die. It may not be as strong as it use to be but there will always b a connection. I love all the people in my life and hope I show them that I care.


So to answer ur question, yes I think we can love more than 1 person we just have different ways of showing it.



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I agree with SLBG. "Love is just a word, what matters is the connection the word implies."(The Program that love his daughter in Matrix Revolutions)

Yes, its true we all love people in varying degrees. Familie, friend and loved ones. But theres is always going to be someone you will love above all others. I dont believe its possible to love more then one person equally. You can love more then one person like you mom and you fiancee, but as SLBG said, her mom is the most importent person in her life. Yes she loves her fiancee, but she loves her mom more and I think if her fiancee ,(sorry SLGB, I am not trying to make this about you or too offend you),said she had to choose between the two of them, she would choose her mom.

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Hi Sauron21,


Thanks for you post, Im a guy not a girl though LOL


I would hate to ever choose between the two but if I had to then im sure I would choose my mum.


The love we have for our mums is far greater than the love we have for a girlfriend/boyfriend/fiancee.



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