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Trying to show her im interested, but too much of a loser

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Hi guys,


After my previous post of liking my best friend who already has a bf isn't going to work and i've given up and just going to be good friends. But there was always another girl that i liked, i saw her today i said hi when we passed in the street. I couldn't really stop to talk because i was with my parents and you know how embarssing they can be so i just said hi to her. I could have talked to her, but i didn't she goes to the same college as me but she a course lower than me and doing something completely different too what im doing.


I have been trying in college to get closer to her but it's just finding an excuse to talk to her. She with her friends most of the time and they are the type that like to gossip so they'd be around her poking their noses in if asked to speak to her. I've tried talk in mutual surroundings when im with some friends and she is but i don't seem to be any better. I lack confidence and im a real shy guy which doesn't help me, also i get depressed alot when things do go my way (which is always, but i don't show it so im always smile to cover up ). I just wish i had what my other friends have the "Thing" that im missing to attract her. She seems to have everything that im looking for in a gf e.g. looks, body and personality (she's perfect) but i don't know how she feels because again im to scared to make any sort of move. I could talk to her about her hobbies and what she likes but when im with her i can't say anything, why is this? How do you build the confidence to talk to girls that you like, i mean i have loads of girl friends (im not gay or anything) i just prefer the company of girls (more like i prefer the attention... lol 8) ). I have loads of girl friends and yet i can't talk to one girl that i like, how do i overcome this there has to be solution otherwise im going to be going crazy.


Im not going to see her now until after easter, so if anyone has any tips on confidence building i have 2 weeks to practice.


Any advice or tips would be great .





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so if anyone has any tips on confidence building i have 2 weeks to practice.

Be bold! Don't put her on a pedastal as some god almighty beauty queen that has no imperfections. She's just a regular person like everyone else and has flaws just like everyone else.


Also, I could help you out more if you tell me why you are so shy? That would help me answer your question a little better.

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I know that she's no beauty queen that has no imperfections. I know she's just a regular person like everyone else and has flaws just like everyone else. This is what i like about her she isn't that popular at college for all i know i could be the only one that finds her attractive, she's my type. I don't know really why im shy, i haven't had the best luck with girls (gf wise). I mean most of my course at college consists of girls so i have no problem talking to them, but i only seem to have this problem of what to do when it involves liking a girl. I have tried thinking of her as friend in order for me to overcome this problem but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know really i guess it's just me, i have asked my friends what they like about me and they say it's my sense of humor and my outlook on life.


Thanks ,



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I want to turn you on to a book called, "The Complete Asshole's Guide to handling chicks". This is what I want you to do. First off go read this book, then make it your bible. The title alone may turn you off to this book but trust me, it works. When I was dating my last girlfriend she came accross this book amongst my stuff and actually read it...cover-to-cover, and this is how i know it has some validation about what it says inside, she said that 99% of what the two authors talked about is true and works. I know that i'm coming off as a salesman for this book but trust me, find it and read it, even if you don't use ALL of the information (I don't agree with some of it myself), but there is enough information contained in this book that EVERYONE will find some information useful.


Alright, now to your problem, this is what I have noticed lately since my breakup with my girlfriend. Chicks love assholes. In life, there are two types of guys, assholes and *ussies. Some people will try and combine these two with varying levels of success, but mainly you have to know which one you fall into. Unfortunately for you, you my friend are the former. This is how I know, if you were an A-hole you wouldn't care what she thought about you, you would find a party, a social gathering, SOMETHING then you would ask her to come with you. If she says no she's busy, blow her off for a week, if she doesn't ask YOU to do something within that week, give her ONE more shot and ask her to do something. If she still says she's busy or what-have you, then take it as a hint and move on. The most important thing to remember is that she ISN'T better than you. YOU are better then her.

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I want to turn you on to a book called, "The Complete Asshole's Guide to handling chicks". This is what I want you to do. First off go read this book, then make it your bible. The title alone may turn you off to this book but trust me, it works. When I was dating my last girlfriend she came accross this book amongst my stuff and actually read it...cover-to-cover, and this is how i know it has some validation about what it says inside, she said that 99% of what the two authors talked about is true and works. I know that i'm coming off as a salesman for this book but trust me, find it and read it, even if you don't use ALL of the information (I don't agree with some of it myself), but there is enough information contained in this book that EVERYONE will find some information useful.


Alright, now to your problem, this is what I have noticed lately since my breakup with my girlfriend. Chicks love assholes. In life, there are two types of guys, assholes and *ussies. Some people will try and combine these two with varying levels of success, but mainly you have to know which one you fall into. Unfortunately for you, you my friend are the former. This is how I know, if you were an A-hole you wouldn't care what she thought about you, you would find a party, a social gathering, SOMETHING then you would ask her to come with you. If she says no she's busy, blow her off for a week, if she doesn't ask YOU to do something within that week, give her ONE more shot and ask her to do something. If she still says she's busy or what-have you, then take it as a hint and move on. The most important thing to remember is that she ISN'T better than you. YOU are better then her. Which is why, when you get that date make sure that there's alcohol involved somehow. Because that is why guys in college can always...that's right ALWAYS get laid. Alcohol is the great equalizer in the field of love. Without that and Dave Matthews or John Mayer to help you out, college would be highschool, but with better cars.


Now, about her nosy g/fs, If...I take that back, WHEN you get that date with her, you have to realize that it's in a girl's DNA to gossip and brag. So, you prey on that instict, on that date you need to seem like the best guy ever, you need to do EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING you can to make her seem like she's lucky to be with YOU! Don't ever give the woman the upper-hand in this matter. Then she'll have something to brag about. That will get her friends to give you the approval, because that's another thing that most women need, constant validation. If you can make it so her friends want to bang you, you are good as gold brother.


So in summary, be bold, be brave, make her friends jealous and bring the alcohol...this is college have fun.


As the british SAS (Secret Air Service) motto goes: "Who Dares Wins"

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