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me n my boyfriend have been together awhile..and he is leaving for the navy in about 10 days...last weekend he HAd to hang out with an old friend by himself all night..it being a girl and all..i couldnt be there...and this weekend i decide to go hang out with a girlfriend of mine and he is TRIPPIn...is this right? or am i doing him wrong..bcuz he only has a few days left?

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If you're dating someone, there should be enough trust and freedom between you to allow for each to go about his/her business freely. There's no reason to get worked up just 'cause ther's a time limit on the visit.


It apparently doesn't mean anything to him to hang out with some bird, other than you, while you're not allowed to. Either tell him to chill and get over himself, or dump him.


This sort of attitude will usually not go away, so unless you're prepared to put up with this sort of crap, go out and find someone who's better!

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