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Help with relationships

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Be a gentleman and be confident (for this you need to think like James Bond):


- When you see her around, smile and say "hi"

- Open doors for her

- Dont mock her or make fun of her

- Dont be rude or inconsiderate



- Make her laugh

- Have confidence around her


If you want to start a relationship, you have to get to know her and she has to begin to like you. You need to try and spend some time alone with her in a 'non-date' environment e.g. catching up on work together, hanging around with her and other friends together so that there is no pressure on either of you.


From there you can start to move on to casual dating such as: movies, going out (just the two of you), fun activities, having lunch together.


I hope this helps you, just remember that she has to like you for who you are, dont try to be someone else just to impress her.



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