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i love her she doesen't know i'm there

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I'm falling apart. I'm 13 and There's this girl in school i like i've liked her for a long time but she never knew, we are the same age and in the same class. i love every thing about her she is so smart, so pretty and she is funny. she has a boyfriend and it hurts to see them together. But i love and all i want is for her to be happy even at the coast of my being in pain. I would do anything for her I mean a n y t h i n g at all.she inspired all my poetry. The only time she ever talks to me is at school to ask me for money or gum. Nobuddy knows this but when i'm alone i sit down and cry. i cry because i'm a freak of nature and she is the beauty of nature. She will never love me like i love her but i hope some day she will.

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Holy crap man...Stop beating yourself up, it is normal to cry but I think you are crying for the wrong reason. I would also like to add that you are only 13, but this will not affect my response. I would suggest that you start to drop a few hits to her, not anything big, now, Don't be desperate...DON'T start crawling on your knees and begging, DO be nice to her, start chillin' with her and her friends and wait, if you are nice she will start to notice you.


***Please only take my advice as Advice, Don't do anything you don't want to do and please listen to people with more experience than me.

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First of all, I'm QUITE sure you're no freak of nature. If you like this girl, regardless of whether she has a guy or not, start a friendship with her. It's the best way to get your foot in the door and you don't know what could develop from there. Mind you, I'm NOT suggesting you try to break the two of them up! But relationships don't tend to have a very long lifespan at that age, so you have an advantage right there, in that if she breaks up with her guy, you could be the next in line! It sounds sort of mean, but I can promise you you'll look back at this girl years from now, if you even remember her name, and wonder what you ever saw in her.


Aside from that, yes, it hurts to see the person you're attracted to with another person. But if you can stand it, and want the contact, befriend her. If you have a good sense of humor, use it to your advantage. Make her laugh; girls LOVE to laugh. Or just be THERE, in general, if she needs someone to lean on.


But don't give up-she's not going to be with this guy forever, I'm quite certain, and if you show her you're the decent guy I think you are, she'll turn to you first!




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i read what you wrote MAR to me and i'm woundering what you ment when you said the decent guy i think you are. What gave you that impression i don't mean that in a spappy way i am just woundering. Mabe there's a person in this world that see the real me plese write back to me.

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i read what you wrote MAR to me and i'm woundering what you ment when you said the decent guy i think you are. What gave you that impression i don't mean that in a spappy way i am just woundering. Mabe there's a person in this world that see the real me plese write back to me.

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