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I am so confused...Help!!!!!

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The ex and I have been apart for two months. We were together for two years. Started arguing a lot at the end and broke up. It took me these two months to relize how much I loved him and wanted to get back together. Right after we broke up he started seeing someone else...that made me feel real good. I hadn't talked to him in about 3 weeks and he calls me Friday night comes over and wants to talk. He tells me him and the new girl is already getting on his nerves and the new girl has a 3 year old son and is going through a seperation and he dosen't know if he wants to deal with that. We end up spending the next 4 days together he tells me how much he missed me how all of his friends said that i was so much better fro him than the new woman and how his family kept asking about me. He then brakes things off with this girl just out of the blue. He was off work on Monday so he didn't see her. Tuesday I guess he sees her calls me up and says he still has feelings for her...they have only been together two months. He says that he dosen't know what he wants if it's me or her and that he just wants to be left alone. I asked if he told the other woman this and he said yes....i don't know and he sees her everyday. He told me to leave him alone and that he would call. We spent the best 4 days together and I just don't understand. Please Help

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Walk away. At least for now. This is only going to bring you pain, he is VERY confused and he's going to abuse you whether or not he means to. People who never know what they want usually don't mean to hurt others, but for those of us who are more emotionally balanced, there's always a price to pay.


If you still love him, you've got to tell him to straighten out his head or that you can't see him right now. Do you really want him bouncing back and forth between you and another girl? You deserve better.

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I totally agree with the other post...WALK AWAY and give him the space. Maybe it that is all it will take for him to realize that he is losing something amazing! When my BF and I split up about a year ago, I told him that I didn't want to talk to him or spend time with him...until he could figure out what he wanted. I went about my life as if he were just a speck up dust in the wind. It only took him 1 1/2 mths. to realize that he wanted to be with me. We are now, working through a LDR...but, still hanging on. If he asks for the space...give it. If the two of you are truly meant for each other...he will realize it and make the right choice in the end. GOOD LUCK!

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thanks for the advice. Do you think that i should tell him not to contact me until he decides what he wants. Actually i just thought about having no contact with him whatsoever and that will make him figure out what he wants. I don't want him to thnik that i am just going to sit around an wait for him. He statred dating this girl 3 days after we broke up and that devasted me. To me it has to be a rebound. I hope that he honestly takes this time to himself and figures out what he wants. I hope he dosen't run back to her. Thanks for the advice

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Maybe you need to scare him. Maybe that will make hime think that he needs to make a decision. Go out with someone. He probably thinks he has all of the time in the world and this time may actually make you two grow further apart. Let him know that you care but you are getting on with your life.

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