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How can you tell if a flirt is serious?

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What I mean is that this girl I really like (I have posted on before) is a well known flirt, I was giving this website link removed

and she does a lot of these things. However she does with most of the guys at work. I was told by another girl there that yes she is a flrit but she is differnt with me, so my question is how do you tell if its intentional or if its just in fun? This is my orignial post "just need a little more advice"


Thanks, Imconfused



Also to add this, much more events have happened so if need be I will post more,

again thank you

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If this one is a flirt then you have to play it cool. Get her to come out with you and your mates, as a friends thing. If she chats more to your mates then don't go there. But if she just wants to talk to you then rock and roll. Sounds like a game I know, but it's the only way to play it.

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I have asked her to hangout, usually what happens is if I ask her to come hangout with her boyfirend included she will make some reason why not. If I just invite her she will agree, but at the last minute she backs out. So she plays this game to and it really bother me, she will act like my bestfriend, tell me a lot, then the next time I see her she won't say more then a hi or bye to me. She'll talk to everyone else, so I feel like second choice.

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It a bit hard to know what the right thing to do is. Best thing is to make her do the work. She knows your interested, just don't fall into the 'just like every one else' slot. Be mr cool, chat to her when she wants to and when she does, make her feel good about her self, tell her nothing about you or how you feel unless she asks, give her a boost and she will come back for more.

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