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No one knows why she chooses to stay

Day after day,

as worlds collapse into black holes;

Sitting in patient vigil,

waiting for some sign of life

from these Fetal Chickens...


mangled beneath the mashing

of cold stone.


nerves on fire frozen shut

crack my skull,

bleed me dry.

devil of loneliness,


the last good memory...


what is this hand?


It looks so familiar... could it be real?

The soft wings so warm

fold around

into embrace

only dreamed of 3]

A beam of sunlight

from one heart to another...


She bears witness when no one else will watch.

The light,

when all other lights go out.

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Thank you paint, much appreciated


Haha Bella, I was about to respond by posting a link to my journal when I saw your response there.


Even since I wrote that second part, four months ago, worlds of change have entered through my introspective and outer worlds... not all 'good', but I seem to be constantly evolving at an accelerating pace - More than I could say a year ago, when I was at a dead standstill.

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